
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Consecration Prayer

Consecration for the Triumphant Victory of
The Immaculate Heart of Mary

In our awakening to the dawn of your Triumph, we your children united in the response to your maternal call, make our promise of consecration to your Immaculate Heart, thus partaking in your Triumph.

I pray, dear Mother, to be carried within your maternal arms to be presented to God Father in heaven, to be chosen and placed in the service of your Son in a special way through accepting the sacrifices of the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart.

In this solemn act, I, as your child, offer to you my YES in unison with your own, to be fortified and stand strong in this final battle for the fulfillment of the promises you gave in Fatima: the conversion of Russia, the land of your greatest victory, through this the conversion of the entire world and the reign of global peace.

Queen of Apostles and Co-Redemptrix, guide us in the midst of darkness in this time, where the rays of your dawn come to give light to our horizon. With the refuge of your Immaculate Heart as our beacon, lead us in to the field of this battle, send us forth with your sword of truth and the armor of virtue, to be the example of the infinite mercy and love of God Father.

We promise to you, our Mother, our fidelity to Our Holy Father as our divine representative of Christ among us, may this consecration give to him the unity of our hearts, minds and souls to bring the reality of the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart, that it may descend upon the earth under his pontificate.

As an apostle of your Triumph, I pledge to you Mother, to give witness to the divine presence of your Son within the Holy Eucharist, the unifying force of your mighty army. May we find conviction, confidence and a single-minded focus before the Blessed Sacrament. May He create in me a soul of perfection, from me I pray shall His reflection shine forth to all.

O Holy Virgin of Purity, Mediatrix of all heaven's graces, dwell within my heart, bring with you your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, so that this my consecration will be fruitful through the gifts infused by His coming.

In the power of His presence we shall remain firm in trust, strong and persistent in prayer and flow into total abandonment to God Father. May the Holy Spirit be manifested as a ripple of pronouncement throughout the world of the union of hearts.

I,--------, your child, in the presence of all the angels of your Triumph, all the saints in heaven and in union with the Holy Mother Church, renew into your hands the vows of my Baptism. I offer to you dear Mother, all my past, present and future, joys and sorrows, prayers and sacrifices, all that I am and all that the Father shall mold me to become.

I give to you, Mother, my love and commitment so we may be forever bonded together in the YES of eternity, in the depths of your Triumphant Immaculate Heart.


I,--------, pledge my consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Witnessed and accepted by: 

+Bishop Paolo Maria Hnilica, S.J.
Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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