
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 25

Day 25 of the Consecration to Mary

"Dear children, I come to call you to conversion in a most special way. I invite you to become consecrated to my Immaculate Heart on the Feast of My Annunciation so that we as the laity, may glorify my Son in the most precious way. 

It was He who chose my heart to first become manifest, and He now invites you to do the same. To come to find Him where He first touched the flesh of mankind. Here, where His presence became the blood from my heart, into my womb. It is in the center of my heart where He waits for you, just as in the moments before He took flesh.
Come into its refuge so I may also take you each to my womb, to become your mother and you shall be my precious child. It is here within my Immaculate Heart I call you." 9-9-93

GUIDANCE: God has entrusted Our Lady with the keeping, administration, and distribution of all heaven's graces, so that all His graces and gifts pass through her hands. Our Lady gives to whom she wills, when she wills, the way she wills, and as much as she wills, the graces of God, the virtues of her Son and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the order of nature, a child must have a father and mother; it is also true in the way of divine nature. A child of God receives Him as father and is given the Blessed Virgin for a mother. Since Mary gave flesh to Jesus, the King of the elect, it is also her response to God to form the members of this elect. Whosoever desires to be one with God must also then receive her as mother by means of grace, which she possesses in its fullness. By this means she continues to communicate God's graces to all His children.
Since the Holy Spirit is the Spouse of Our Lady, He works in union with her, by her and from her. His most divine work, Jesus Christ, is the Word Incarnate. The Holy Spirit continues to from the elect in her, and by her, in a divine yet real way. So, just as a child draws all its needs from the mother, in the same manner, we her children, draw all graces from Our Holy Mother.

DIRECTION: We should seek all our refuge from within her Immaculate Heart, thus we enter into her womb and are born of her, into the same light of Christ. We are led by her care into the center of this light so that our path to holiness is directed and guided by her tender motherly protection. In our consecration we give to her our own insecurities and weakness, placing our trust within her Immaculate Heart. In each day, we should offer our hearts to her, so that she can give guidance and bring joy to every obstacle we may incur.

Finally, we must give to her, total abandonment; giving ourselves up entirely to her service. She in turn, places all our tasks at the feet of her Son. Therefore, we must achieve all for her Triumph; we must stand up for her glory when it is attacked; we must defend her privileges; and we must draw all souls into care, speaking out against those who abuse her, expecting no single reward for our little services, except to belong to the heart of our Mother.

MEDITATION: O'Immaculate Heart of Mary, I lend to you the disposition of my little heart. Teach it virtue, and construct within it a soul of purity, simplicity, and a childlike spirit. Give me strength dear Mother, to become a champion for your Triumph; to not rest a single moment; to not spare a minute of prayer. Take me to your heart, caress and nestle this infant soul as your own. Deliver me, my Mother from myself.

"Draw me in your footsteps, let us run together." Song of Songs 1:4

Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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