
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 27

Day 27 of the Consecration to Mary

"My angel, my Son told the women of the world not to shed their tears for Him, but for their children to come. It was you, my children of this generation He spoke of with such compassion - a children so deeply plunged into darkness with the light of my Jesus, so hidden from your eyes and especially your hearts.
It is this generation I call especially to become my presence within the world. I do not ask to increase in devotion but to belong to my Immaculate Heart. Desire holiness in a way that your hearts burn with this ardent wish. Pray for your sanctification; petition my heart to grace you with virtue and endow your soul with purity. Each of these gifts can be granted by your desire; they are increased by practice and application.
I am able to bestow all of these and to found them in a precious grace, the grace given by my Immaculate Heart and enlivened by the power of the Holy Spirit. This grace is consummated in your consecration. May you now understand the gifts infused through this act.
By your consecration to my Immaculate Heart, you are responding to my call for my Triumph in the most divine and complete way. From this moment forward, there is nothing we cannot accomplish - for we are truly bonded by the heart for all eternity." 9-15-93

GUIDANCE: The Holy Spirit waits within the soul for the arrival of His spouse. When He finds that His spouse has come to take residence within a soul, He comes to enter in fullness. He communicates Himself to the soul so abundantly to the point that He encloses His spouse within the soul. They shall then live there in harmony in the presence of all heavenly gifts and graces. This is the greatest contribution of the joining of their hearts within ours through the consecration.
When there is no existence of wonders within the soul, many times it is because the Holy Spirit has come into us, and He has not found sufficient union of our heart with His spouse. Then Our Lady has planted her roots within the Soul, she produces there, marvels of grace which she alone brings.

DIRECTION: Through the desire for holiness, Our Lady can give to your soul her own faith, which is the greatest of all faiths that ever was on each. She brings to your confidence, because you will not approach God alone, but always with her. This gift if given because you have given her all your merits, graces, and needs; she will then bring to you her virtues, and will surround you in her own merits. In this way, you will be able to ask that God's will be in you also. But the greatest reason you will prosper in grace and confidence, is that you shall no longer have trust in yourself. Her spirit will enter into the place of yours, to rejoice in God. What transformation will occur at that moment of our consecration, in the lowly places where the presence of the Holy Spirit will rest!

MEDITATION: O'Immaculate Heart of Mary, I plead my cause to your maternal heart. Form in me a heart of invincible faith, profound humility, ardent prayer, a form hope and lively charity, so that this, my consecration, may come fruitful. Queen of Hearts, come to claim my heart; bring with you your spouse, the Holy Spirit, that you may dwell together forever in its depths.

"My soul doth magnify the Lord and I rejoice in God my Savior." Luke 1:46-47

Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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