
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 29

Day 29 of the Consecration to Mary

My angel, each soul who is consecrated to my maternal heart, is endowed with all the merits of my heavenly grace; it is given with no restraint, for you have become the fulfillment of my Triumph. You are my donation of salvation. You are in the end, the witness of my Son's Sacred Heat and the manifestation of His love and mercy, by your participation and application of your consecration to my Triumphant Immaculate Heart. This is all I desire you to shed your heart upon; to allow my Son's light to become more recognized, and I more loved. This is His most precious desire I wish to be fulfilled." 9-19-93

GUIDANCE: In these latter times, Our Lady shall shine forth like never before, in mercy, might, and in grace. In mercy, to bring back and lovingly receive poor sinners, she comes to bring conversion, consecration and renewal of the Holy Church. She comes to bring a mighty army against the war waged by Satan, he who is the one who shall revolt and rise up against God. Also, she must shine forth in grace, in order to sustain in her valiant soldiers who battle for her Triumph. Most of all, Our Lady comes to rage battle against evil, for he shall rise up a cruel persecution and shall place terrible snares in the path to holiness. It is written that in the final glory of the Triumph, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed." Gen 3:15 She shall crush the head of evil with her heel. This enmity is between Mary and Satan.
It is in this final battle that we join together to proclaim her our Queen, the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart. This Triumph begins within our hearts where for so long, it has laid dormant.

DIRECTION: Our Lady is manifested to the world through our consecration. It is in this way that we are able to shine forth her grace to all people. We are called to be the beacons of truth in the battle for her Triumph. This is a war - one that is waged against the children of Mary. What Satan has lost by pride, Mary has gained by humility. What has been lost by disobedience, Our Lady gained by complete submission and abandonment. In original sin, the paradise that God created was destroyed , but Mary, being a faithful servant, has come to save her children. These children, also servants together with her, have consecrated all hearts gained through her to the Reign of His Sacred Heart. So this battle is set between the children of light and those of darkness. It is this persecution we shall feel more than ever before in these days. We should remember that the humble spirit shall always conquer over the proud.

MEDITATION: O'Immaculate Heart of Mary, manifest in me the glory of your Triumph. Strengthen me in battle, for this is truly the fiercest known to mankind. Gain for me in my consecration, total abandonment. Place me in the battle array of virtue, with the sward of truth as the banner of your Triumph. Encourage me by conviction to uphold the values and morals taught by the Gospel message. Fortify my stronghold in prayer, that I may find an invincible unity with you and your Spouse. Enhance my soul with the stamina to endure the persecution and trials that will come my way, that I may rejoice in the glory of your Triumphant Victory.

"From this day forward all generations shall call me blessed for the Almighty has done great things for me." Luke 1:48-49

Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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