
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 32

Day 32 of the Consecration to Mary

"My angel, know I come in these days to give all that shall be necessary to fulfill this request of God. My heart is given to the world from the intense love for it. Through my Immaculate Heart, this second grace of today may descend upon mankind, just as He came from my womb as the Knight of Salvation for the world, so He desires now again to bring His tender and loving heart once more to His children. He has chosen to give His Sacred heart again, through my Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, you see my angel, how important is every heart consecrated to my Triumph, for through my heart they shall find His, in a most profound way.
I ask that this call be given to each and every heart, that this intense heavenly grace may melt and mold them into the imitation of my Immaculate Heart. Thus, in this way and only in this way, shall they be drawn through the portal of heaven, and back again to where God has always desired they rest in His light." 9-29-93

GUIDANCE: From this co-hort belonging to Our Lady shall come the saints and examples for the future. They will be those who are founded in the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and have been tested in fire. These great souls shall be those filled with zeal, and full of grace - these shall be chosen to be matched against the enemies of God. The battle shall rage around them and they shall remain singularly focused on Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. They shall be illuminated by her light, strengthened by her hand, led by her spirit, supported by her arm and sheltered under her mantle of protection. By their words and example they shall draw the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They shall gather many enemies, but shall also bring victories and glory to God. These are the apostles for the Triumph - joined to Our Lady's Heart by consecration.

DIRECTION: Devotion to Our Lady is necessary to all people for working out their salvation, it is still even more important for those who accept the call to perfection. It is not possible to acquire an intimate union with God and the Holy Spirit without a sincere union with Our Lady. This union carries a great dependence upon her goodwill and maternal instincts. It is the heart of Our Lady that gains access to the doorway of the narrow road to heaven. Our consecration calls us into the hidden world within the womb of our mother, Mary; it is filled with all the mysteries of heaven, waiting to be dispensed to those who come humble of heart. We, called to become the elect, are called into this secret paradise within the Holy Virgin. It is from this mystical realm that we are transformed and conformed into the perfect image of God. We become the example of unity, conversion and holiness.

MEDITATION: O'Immaculate Heart of Mary, give to my soul the perfection to which it is called. Grant to my soul the unity that it requires to abide in the call to holiness. Hide my in your womb, dear Mother, consecrated as your own. Bring to me illumination to the task I am called to fulfill. Send me out in the fields of your harvest that I might reap for your Triumph, all souls who long for your embrace.

"Now a great sign appeared in the heavens, a woman, adorned with the sun." Rev. 12:1

Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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