
Sunday, December 9, 2012


Day 5 of the Consecration to Mary

"Dear children, you are awakening to the dawn of my Triumph. I pray for your unity in the response to my call. I give to you the choice for peace in the world. Place into effect dear ones, the requests of my Immaculate Heart. I await your response in the land of my greatest victory, Russia.
Spread your conversion throughout this place to answer the call of these children upon my heart. I entrust to you the conclusion of my message of the past, to give life and effect to my words." 12-13-92

GUIDANCE: In preparing to make the consecration, the soul must first become entirely open and the fundamental desire of love for Our Lady must be present. This must be a pure desire, uncomplicated without any other motive except pure love for her.
Second, the soul must desire complete reconciliation with God. This grace is granted partly within the consecration itself because it is a grace of unity. Without reconciliation, total unity cannot be formed as the fullness of the grace given is, in effect, blocked. Grace must be placed within the depths of the soul and it is only through reconciliation that the grace from God can be received perfectly. As intense as the grace is given, so must the reconciliation be.
Third, solitude of the soul must be found to nurture the state of love for Our Lady. Only in solitude may her love be manifested to the soul and the realization be given. 
Fourth, an awareness of Our Lady's expectations from the soul must be gained. It is very easy to find all our expectations of her, but we seldom allow the expectations from her to be known. We must have a clear understanding of what she expects of us. Without this knowledge it is very difficult for the soul to fulfill the fruits of the consecration.
Let us pray for the understanding of the expectations of God, through Our Lady, to become manifested in our soul.

DIRECTION: In our desire for perfection, we should frequently seek the most exalted virtue; to love God more than all the saints, to suffer more than all the martyrs, to bear and to pardon all injuries, to embrace every sort of suffering for the sake of saving a single soul, and to perform acts of charity for love of others first. These holy aspirations and desires will create in our soul the flame of virtue, and the realm of purity and simplicity. These are the cornerstones of the consecration.

MEDITATION: O'Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to advance in perfection through desiring virtue and purity. May I contemplate the goodness of God in my life, and open my heart to those less able to recognize His favors upon them. Ask great pardon on my behalf for the fault of not loving and honoring your tender heart more fervently. Dear Mother, bind and unite me to your Son, so that I may become entirely His, as He desires me to be. 

"Create in me a clean heart, Oh God." Ps 51:12

Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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