
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Act of Spiritual Communion

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe Thou art really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love Thee above everything else, and I long to receive Thee into my soul. I cannot now receive Thee in Holy Communion, but I beg Thee to come to me at least spiritually. I embrace Thee as already there, and unite myself entirely to Thee. Grant that I may never be separated from Thee!  - by Saint Alphonsus de Liguori

The Value of Spiritual Communion

The value of a spiritual Communion well made is enormous.  We can and should make one frequently.  Simply think on Jesus and how much He loves us and how much we love Him, then ask Our Blessed Mother to ask her Divine Son to come into our hearts.  We can offer these Communions for the interest of the Sorrowful and Immaculate heart of Mary, noting our special intention! 

After receiving Holy Communion Our Lord said we should pray: “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus may the whole world burn with love for You!: - Revelation to Gabrielle Bossis in France 

"Everything I say to One of my Children is for all of them... Each Soul is my favorite... If Only you knew my Love for each One." ~ Our Lord to Gabrielle Bossis (1874-1950)

"...Make as many Spiritual Communions as possible, to supply for the many Sacramental Communions which are not made.. One every quarter of an hour is not enough. Make them shorter, but more numerous.."
 ~ Our Lord to Sr. Benigna Consolata (1916)

'If you practice the holy exercise of Spiritual Communion a good many times each day, within a month you will see yourself completely changed.' -- St. Leonard of Port Maurice


O Jesus living in Mary, Come and live in Thy servants, In the spirit of Thy holiness, In the fullness of Thy might, In the truth of Thy virtues, In the perfection of Thy ways, In the communion of Thy mysteries; Subdue every hostile power In Thy Spirit, for the glory of the God the Father. Amen - from the Raccolta

taken from the Raccolta

Photo Credit Waiting for the Word
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