
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How Joy and Suffering are United in Purgatory

How Joy and Suffering are United in Purgatory

"That which man judges to be perfect, in the sight of God is defect. For all the works of man, which appear faultless when he considers them feels, remembers, wills and understands them, are, if he does not refer them to God, corrupt and sinful. For, to the perfection of our works it is necessary that they be wrought in us but not of us. In the works of God it is he that is the prime mover, and not man. 

"These works, which God effects in the soul by himself alone, which are the last operations of pure and simple love in which we have no merit, so pierce and inflame the soul that the body which envelops her seems to be hiding a fire, or like one in a furnace, who can find no rest but death. It is true that the divine love which overwhelms the soul gives, as I think, a peace greater than can be expressed; yet this peace does not in the least diminish her pains, nay, it is love delayed which occasions them, and they are greater in proportion to the perfection of the love of which God has made her capable. 

"Thus have these souls in purgatory great pleasure and great pain; nor does the one impede the other.

Taken from Saint Catherine of Genoa Treatise on Purgatory
Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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