
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How Worldly People Render Glory and Praise to GOD, Whether They Will or No

How Worldly People Render Glory and Praise 
to GOD, Whether They Will or No

“And so perfect is her vision that she sees the glory and praise of My Name, not so much in the angelic nature as in the human, for, whether worldly people will or no, they render glory and praise to My Name, not that they do so in the way they should, loving Me above everything, but that My mercy shines in them, in that, in the abundance of My charity, I give them time, and do not order the earth to open and swallow them up on account of their sins. I even wait for them, and command the earth to give them of her fruits, the sun to give them light and warmth, and the sky to move above them. And in all things created and made for them, I use My charity and mercy, withdrawing neither on account of their sins. I even give equally to the sinner and the righteous man, and often more to the sinner than to the righteous man, because the righteous man is able to endure privation, and I take from him the goods of the world that he may the more abundantly enjoy the goods of heaven. So that in worldly men My mercy and charity shine, and they render praise and glory to My Name, even when they persecute My servants; for they prove in them the virtues of patience and charity, causing them to suffer humbly and offer to Me their persecutions and injuries, thus turning them into My praise and glory.

“So that, whether they will or no, worldly people render to My Name praise and glory, even when they intend to do Me infamy and wrong.” 

Taken from Saint Catherine of Genoa Treastise on Prayer
Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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