
Friday, June 21, 2013

Pact With the Sacred Heart

Pact With the Sacred Heart

O most Divine, most adorable and amiable Heart of Jesus, behold me humbly prostrate before Thee to adore, praise, bless and glorify Thee, and to recognize the rights of Thy sovereignty over me, by confessing and acknowledging my subjection and by my protestation of love and fidelity towards Thee. O Heart most holy, receive me, since I am and wish to be completely Thine, in spite of all the opposition which my enemies may stir up. Do not reject me, but acknowledge what belongs to Thee, receive it and defend it. I have a most ardent desire to love and please Thee, but to accomplish this is above my strength; do Thou help my weakness, and in Thy love and mercy, grant me the graces necessary to do it perfectly and the graces to pray and act and suffer in the purity of Thy love. 

O Sacred Heart, I give and consecrate myself entirely to Thee; my heart, my understanding, my memory and my will, in order that everything which I do and suffer may be for Thy love and Thy glory, that everything which I see and hear may induce me to love Thee, that all my words may be so many acts of adoration, love and praise of Thy sovereignty, and that the movements of my lips may be so many acts of contrition for all the sins that I have committed and for all the good that I have omitted. I beseech Thee, O Heart of love, that I may be able to draw Thee to myself as many times as I draw in the air I breathe and that in exhaling it, I may offer Thee as many times to Thy eternal Father, to render to Him all that I owe Him. Grant, O Sacred Heart, that all the pulsations and beatings of my heart and the respirations of my lungs may be so many acts of gratitude and thanksgiving for all the favors which Thou hast conferred upon me and which Thou dost intend to confer upon me. Take away, I beseech Thee, all impediments thereto, for I renounce and disavow all movements of pride and self-love and all that might hinder me from loving Thee perfectly and serving Thee faithfully. 

O Heart full of goodness, listen to me and grant my petition! O Sacred Heart, to which I belong, on which I depend and by which I live, inflame me, take possession of me and transform me entirely into Thee! Grant that all my endeavors may be to arrive at Thee, that all my movements and actions be to unite myself to Thee! I protest that I would prefer to suffer a thousand deaths rather to be separated from Thee or commit any act of infidelity towards Thee. 

Accept this pact which I make with Thee, O Divine and adorable Heart, and which I desire to renew with every protestation of fidelity, every time that I open my eyes or put my hand on my heart, for I wish henceforth to live and breathe only to love Thee. Give Thyself then entirely to me and make me entirely Thine. Grant me to know and avoid all that can displease Thee, for I protest a thousand times that if I knew of any other way of joining, giving and uniting myself to Thee, I would embrace it at the peril of my life. Strengthen and sustain all the good resolutions and desires to love and please Thee, with which, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thou dost inspire me. Grant that they may all have the good effects which Thou dost intend. Amen.

by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 
Image Credit Waiting for the Word

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