
Saturday, June 22, 2013




In this revelation our Lord imparts a most sublime instruction, showing the position of the Holy Face in relation to the Adorable Trinity Itself.

REMEMBER, Oh, my soul, the holy instruction which your Divine Spouse imparted to you today concerning His adorable Face. Remember that this Divine Head represents the Eternal Father Who is unbegotten, that the mouth of this Holy Face represents the Divine Word, begotten of the Father, and that the two eyes of this adorable Face are the symbol of the reciprocal love of the Father and the Son, for these two eyes possess only one light, and one identical knowledge between them both, and they produce the one same love, which represents the Holy Ghost.

Contemplate in His locks of hair the infinite number of the adorable perfections of the Blessed Trinity. Behold in this majestic Head that precious portion of the Humanity of the Savior which is the very Image of the Oneness of God.

Now it is this adorable Savior's Face brimming with ineffable mysteries which blasphemers cover with disgrace, renewing the bitter sufferings of His Passion, each time they assail the Divinity, for the Holy Face is the very Image of God!

In this exquisite communication, our Lord renders all His merits to Sister Mary of St. Peter, as He tells her to pay with them the debts incurred by the sins of the nation. He encourages her zeal by disclosing to her that the Work of Reparation will ultimately be established.

OUR LORD continues to press me urgently to suffer for our country. He said to me:

"Just as I have taken on myself the sins of the whole world, so I now desire that you assume those of your nation. I Myself will suffer in you in order to appease the anger of My Father and I will give you all My merits by which you can pay the debts incurred by the sins of your country.

I accepted our Lord's proposal and then it was that I beheld myself as though covered with all the sins of the nation and I begged God's forgiveness for these sins with the same shame as though I had committed these crimes myself. On another day when our Lord had insisted again that I make reparation for our whole country, I hesitated, hardly daring to believe that He could wish to make use of so common an instrument as myself for so great a task. He then said to me by way of comparison:

As in the order of My Providence, in temporal affairs I give a particular ruler to a particular nation to be its sovereign, cannot I also, in the order of grace, assign a particular country to the care of a special individual in order that she should take charge of that country's spiritual welfare? That is the reason why I now assign this particular nation to your special care and I urge you to pray and to sacrifice yourself in its behalf."

After that our Lord declared:

"I again give you My Sacred Head so that you may offer it to My Father to appease His justice. Oh, if you but knew the power and the virtue that reside therein! And the reason why My Head possesses this power and virtue is because I have taken upon My Head all the sins of mankind so that My Members may be spared. Therefore, offer My Face to My Eternal Father for this is the means by which to appease Him."

He then added:

"I desire this Work of Reparation. Although the fruits which you bear have not yet ripened be assured that finally the time will come when the Work shall be established."

Image Credit Waiting for the Word

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