
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Revelation of the Saints in Regards to the Holy Face Devotion

Revelation of the Saints in Regards to the Holy Face Devotion

"Those who embrace this work of reparation with true piety will not be lost, for I Myself will defend them before My Father and I will give them the Kingdom of Heaven. I will grant them the grace of final perseverance." (Promise to St. Mechtilde)

In revelation, Jesus said to Gertrude the Great (1263-1302):

"All those who, attracted by my love and venerating my Countenance, shall receive by virtue of my humanity, a brilliant and vivid impression of my Divinity. This splendor shall enlighten the depths of their souls, so that in eternal glory the court of heaven will marvel at the marked likeness of their features with my divine Countenance"

"Let the soul who is desirous of advancing in perfection hasten to My Sacred Heart ~ but he who yearns to make even greater progress and to mount still higher on the wings of desire, must rise with the swiftness of an eagle and hover about my Sacred Face, supported like a seraph, on the wings of overpowering love." (Our Lord to St. Gertrude the Great)

Saint Ethanasius stated that the devils, when being asked what verse in the Holy Scripture they feared the most, they replied, "That with which the sixty-seventh Psalm commences." This passage states, "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered. Let them that hate Him flee from before His Face." They added that this biblical passage always compelled them to take flight.

"Offer My Face to My Father ~ it is the only means whereby to appease Him ~ appease divine justice. If you only knew how powerful is its virtue ~ and the reason is that I have taken upon My own Head all the sins of humanity in order that my members may be spared." (Our Lord to Sr. Mary Peter)

Mother Marie des Douleurs to the Congregation she founded. “Devotion to the Holy Face,” she wrote, “is the particular aspect by which the Holy Ghost makes us learn again all that we need know to become the saints that Jesus desires. This devotion is of such central importance and so vital for us that we cannot live without it.”

PROMISE: "The Holy Crown is for the faithful soul a source of merit.. [it] will merit for you a crown of glory... A single soul performing her actions in union with the merits of My Holy Crown may gain more than many others." --Jesus to Sr Mary Martha Chambon

During an apparition of Our Lord to Sister Mary Martha Chambon He appeared in a pitiful state, wearing the Crown of Thorns. Appealing for compassion, He said, "Behold Him whom you seek, and the condition in which He is! Look... withdraw the thorns from My head by offering to My father the merits of My Wounds for sinners... Go, seek for souls!" While Sr. Mary Martha was contemplating the holy Crown, she saw rays of glory darting from each thorn.
"My Crown of Thorns caused me more suffering than all My other wounds... It was My most intense suffering after the Garend of Olives." --Our Lord to Sr. Mary Martha Chambon

Saint Gaetano Catanoso was a lover and apostle of the Holy Face of Jesus. "The Holy Face", he affirmed, "is my life. He is my strength". With joyful intuition he joined this devotion to Eucharistic piety.

He would say: "If we wish to adore the real Face of Jesus..., we can find it in the divine Eucharist, where with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Face of Our Lord is hidden under the white veil of the Host".

Saint Bernard wrote: 
"Jesus the very thought of thee with sweetness fills my breast, But sweeter far thy Face to see, and in thy presence rest"

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