
Monday, June 17, 2013

There Are Also Three Things that Impel Us Towards Evil

There Are Also Three Things that Impel Us Towards Evil

There are also three things that impel us towards evil: passions, demons and sinfulness of intention. 

Passions impel us when, for example, we desire something beyond what is reasonable, such as food which is unnecessary or untimely, or a woman who is not our wife or for a purpose other than procreation, or else when we are excessively angered or irritated by, for instance, someone who has dishonored or injured us. 

Demons impel us when, for example, they catch us off our guard and suddenly launch a violent attack upon us, stirring up the passions already mentioned and others of a similar nature. 

We are impelled by sinfulness of intention when, knowing the good, we choose evil instead.

St. Maximos the Confessor
Photo taken from Wikimedia Commons

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