
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart

Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart

O EUCHARISTIC Heart, O sovereign love of our LORD JESUS, who hast instituted the august Sacrament, in order to dwell here below with us and to give to our souls thy Flesh as food and thy Blood as drink, we confidently trust, O LORD JESUS, in the supreme love which instituted the most holy Eucharist; and here, in the presence of this Victim, it is just that we should adore, confess, and exalt this love, as the great store-house of the life of thy Church. This love is an urgent invitation for us, as though Thou didst say to us: "See how I love you! giving you my Flesh as food, and my Blood as drink; I desire by this union to excite your charity, I desire to unite you to myself, I desire to effect the transformation of your souls into my crucified Self, I who am the Bread of eternal life. Give me then your hearts, live in my life, and you shall live in GOD." We recognise, O LORD, that such is the appeal of thy Eucharistic Heart, and we thank Thee for it, and we desire earnestly to respond to it. Grant us the grace to be keenly alive to this supreme love, with which, before thy Passion, Thou didst invite us to receive and feed upon thy sacred Body. Print deeply on our souls the firm determination to respond faithfully to this invitation.  Give us devotion and reverence whereby we may honour and receive worthily the gift of thy supreme love, and of thy Eucharistic Heart. Grant that we may thus be able, with thy grace, to celebrate profitably the remembrance of thy Passion, to make reparation for our offences and our coldness, to nourish and increase our love for Thee, and to keep ever living within our hearts this seed of a blessed immortality.  Amen

From the Raccolta
Image Credit Waiting for the Word

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