
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Prayer to Mary

Prayer to Mary

VIRGIN Mother of GOD, most holy Mary, safe refuge of sinners ! to thee, who art, after GOD, our hope and consolation in this place of exile, to thee I have recourse with sincere confidence, though most undeserving of thy patronage. I know, on the one hand, how much I stand in need of being converted from my very heart ; yet, on the other, the heinousness of my crimes strikes me with terror. To thee, then, I betake myself to thee who art our sovereign mediator with thy dear Son JESUS, as He is with his Eternal FATHER. To thee, after JESUS, must I look for my amendment. Vouchsafe then, O Mother of Mercy, to obtain for me the grace of a true and lasting conversion. I wish to change my life entirely. In this I am sincere; but my evil habits and the ill use I have made of so many saving inspirations, the multitude and heinousness of my sins, and the bonds by which the world holds me, while they render amendment difficult, call for thy special assistance. Grant it to me in spite of my unworthiness. In thee I trust; do thou not reject me. Although deserving- of eternal punishment, I throw myself at thy feet, sorrowful and repentant. My sins, I own, have taken from me the strength which grace imparts, have cast me out from among the adopted sons of GOD, have deprived me of the right to everlasting happiness, and drawn on me instead the wrath of heaven. Tell me what I must do to regain the friendship of thy Son JESUS. Beg of Him, by his Precious Blood, his bitter Passion, and cruel death on the Cross, to pardon my offences, and He will pardon them. Tell Him thy desire for my salvation, and He will save me. But as I can still fall into sin and lose the life of grace amid the dangers which encompass me, ever watch thou over me, and I shall surely triumph over the enemies who incessantly work for my ruin. Instil into my heart a lively faith, a firm hope, an ardent charity, and all the virtues suitable to my state of life; and obtain for me constancy in good, and final perseverance. In fine, be thou my loving Mother here below, and my advocate at the hour of death, that I may be of the number of those to whom thy divine Son shall say: "Come, ye blessed of my FATHER, possess the kingdom prepared for you." Amen.

From the Raccolta
Image Credit Waiting for the Word

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