
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jesus Christ Quotes

Quotes on Jesus Christ by the Saints

Christ, like a skillful physician, understands the weakness of men. He loves to teach the ignorant and the erring he turns again to his own true way. He is easily found by those who live by faith and to those of pure eye and holy heart, who desire to knock at the door, he opens immediately.  - St. Hyppolytus (Treatise on Christ and Antichrist)

The life of Christ was but a continuous cross. - St. Paul of the Cross

With Him we shall always live, having become sons of God through Him; with Him we shall always rejoice, having been restored by His blood. - St. Cyprian of Carthage

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ below me, Christ above me, Christ at my right, Christ at my left, Christ in lying down, Christ in sitting, Christ in rising up, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.  - St. Patrick of Ireland

Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.  -St. Augustine of Hippo

If, then, you are looking for the way by which you should go, take Christ, because He Himself is the way.  - St. Thomas Aquinas 

When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about virtue, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking of Christ.  -St. Ambrose of Milan

Love shows us what we have to do. It takes us out of ourselves, makes us emulate the virtues of our Lord, and withdraws us from this world into Him. The reason why so many Christians get no farther than the threshold of virtue is that they will not break the chains that hold them back and will not give themselves up confidently to our Lord's guidance. They feel that if they go to Communion they will be unable to resist the love of Jesus and will be forced to give themselves in return. So they content themselves with books, with words, and do not dare turn to the Master Himself. Oh, my brothers, I pray you to take Jesus Christ Himself for your Teacher! Receive Him within you and let Him direct all your actions. - St. Peter Eymard

Our Queen and Lady, if you wish again to hear us speak of the tokens of thy beloved that we know of, consider that He is beauty itself and that He contains within Himself all the perfection's beyond all desire. He is amiable without defect, delightful beyond comparison, pleasing without the least flaw. In wisdom He is inestimable, in goodness without measure, in power boundless, in greatness immeasurable, in essence infinite. In judgments He is terrible, His counsels inscrutable, in His words most true, in His works holy, rich in mercies. Space cannot overreach Him, narrowness cannot confine Him, sorrow cannot disturb Him, joy cannot cause any change in Him; nor does He ever fail in His Wisdom, or change in His will; abundance cannot overwhelm or want come near Him; memory adds nothing, forgetfulness takes nothing from His knowledge; what was is not past for Him; the beginning gave no origins to His being, and time will bring to Him no end. Without being caused, He causes all things, and He has not need of anything but all things need participation in Him; He preserves them without labor, He governs them without confusion. Those who know Him are happy, who love and extol Him, are blessed; for He exalts His friends, and at last glorifies them by His eternal vision and loving companionship.  -Ven. Mary of Agreda, "The Mystical City of God" (a description of God, given by holy angels to the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Why is He so little in me? Is it because I am not little enough, not humble enough. Therefore may I become more humble, may I humble myself, and Jesus will increase.

Grow, Jesus, grow in my, in my heart, in my spirit, my imagination, my senses, by your modesty, your purity, your humility, your zeal, your love. Grow with your grace, your light, your peace. Grow despite my resistance, my pride. Grow until you reach the fullness of human perfection. Grow as you did at Nazareth before God and before men, for the glory of your Father.'  - St. Bernadette Soubirous

Image taken from Waiting for the Word

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