
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Life Offering


Life Offering

My dear Jesus, before the Holy Trinity, Our Heavenly Mother, and the whole Heavenly Court, united with your most precious Blood and your sacrifice on Calvary, I hereby offer my whole life to the intention of your Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Together with my life, I place at your disposal all Holy Masses, all my Holy Communions, all my good deeds, all my sacrifices, and the sufferings of my of my entire life for the adoration and supplication of the Holy Trinity, for unity in our Holy Mother Church, for the Holy Father and priests, for good priestly vocations, and for all souls until the end of the world.

O my Jesus, please accept my life sacrifice and my offerings and give me your grace that I may persevere obediently until my death.  Amen. 

The Five Promises of Our Heavenly Mother to Those Who Offer Their Lives to Her

(1)  Their names will be written in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, inflamed by love.

(2)  Their life offering, together with the infinite merits of Jesus, can save many souls from damnation.   All souls who live until the end of the world will benefit from their life offering.

(3)  None of their family members will go to hell, even if it seems otherwise, because they will receive, in the depths of their souls, the grace of sincere contrition before the soul departs from their bodies.

(4)  On the day they offer their lives, their loved ones suffering in purgatory will be released.

(5) I will be with them at the hour of their death.  They will not know purgatory.  I will carry their souls straight to the presence of the Glorious Trinity, where they will live with me in a special place created by God and will rejoice forever.

Image Credit Waiting for the Word

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