
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rosary in Honor of the Sacred Face

Rosary in Honor of the Sacred Face
Uses Regular Rosary Beads

Most Sacred Face, we call on You until You hear our prayers.  You are able to help us wonderfully, Holy God, Mighty God, Holy Immortal God! Have mercy on us and on the whole world!  Turn Your Face towards us and we shall be saved! 

At the large beads we pray: 
Heavenly Father, humbly and fervently we offer You the infinite merits and sufferings of the Sacred Face, His Precious Blood, all the wounds and tears of Jesus, to Your greater Glory, for help in our great need! 

At the small beads, instead of the Hail Mary, we pray: 

O Sacred Face, covered with wounds, have mercy on us, who call on You! 
O Sacred Face, covered with blood, have mercy on us who call on You! 

O Sacred Face, shedding tears with infinite Love, have mercy on us who call on You! 

O Sacred Face, despised and insulted, have mercy on us who call on You! 

O Sacred Face, silently bearing the most bitter pain, have mercy on us who call on You! 

Let us adore the Sacred Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Whose merits are infinite and Whose mercy is fathomless. May He grant us the remission of our sins and true conversion. Let us console His Sacred Face by the purity of our lives, by fearless witness to our Faith and by the depth of our love! Amen.

Image Credit Waiting for the Word

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