
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saint Bernadette Soubirous Quotes

Saint Bernadette Soubirous Quotes

Dear gentle Jesus, be not my judge, but my Savior.

O Mary, receive my heart as an expiatory victim for my offenses; may it be broken with sadness.

The more I contemplate God, the more God looks on me. The more I pray to Him, the more He thinks of me too.

May I let Jesus lead me more easily. May I be ready to accept everything, even mortification, powerlessness, living in darkness, being hidden like Jesus in a dark prison. If I let it, this prison or whatever this mortification may be will be the heart of Mary for me.

O my Mother, it is to your heart that I come to lay down the anguish of my heart; it is there that I draw strength and courage.

The more I give to Jesus, the more He will give me. For the love of Jesus, I must overcome my weakness or die.

Grow, Jesus, grow in my, in my heart, in my spirit, my imagination, my senses, by your modesty, your purity, your humility, your zeal, your love. Grow with your grace, your light, your peace. Grow despite my resistance, my pride. Grow until you reach the fullness of human perfection. Grow as you did at Nazareth before God and before men, for the glory of your Father.

The heart of Jesus with all its treasures is my portion. I shall live and die there in peace, even in the midst of suffering.

For the greater glory of God, the important thing is not to do many things, but to do all things well.

I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them. I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home. There I shall find my Mother in all the splendor of her glory. I shall delight with her in the joy of Jesus himself in perfect safety.  

Love overcomes, love delights, those who love the Sacred Heart rejoice.

Put faith into practice by thinking on these four truths:

God is always present.
Nothing happens without His permission or outside of His will.
Anything we do to others we do to Him.
All kindness and goodness are in Him.

Live faith with these truths:

Drive out all sin.
Console all grief.
Cast away all listlessness.
Enrich the soul with the life of grace. One day God will say about us: quoniam bene.

O Most Holy Mother of my Jesus, you who saw and felt the extreme desolation of your dear Son, help me in my own time of desolation.

And you saints of Heaven who have passed through this trial, have pity on those who are suffering it now and pray that I be given the grace to be faithful until death.

I suffer, and my groans go up unceasingly to Thee my Comforter. Into Thy most adorable Heart I shed my tears. To It I confide my sighs and my anguish; to Its bitter sorrows I confide my bitter sorrows. Sanctify them, my Jesus, by this holy union.

O Most Holy Mother of my Jesus, you who saw and felt the extreme desolation of your dear Son, help me in my own time of desolation.

And you saints of Heaven who have passed through this trial, have pity on those who are suffering it now and pray that I be given the grace to be faithful until death.

God is my Creator; my Saviour; my Sanctifier. I belong to God, therefore He is absolute master of my body, my soul, and my actions. He wants me to sacrifice my will to Him at every moment and in everything. In the hands of my superiors, I should be like a dead person, or more accurate like a staff. Never mind if they make mistakes. I know that I will never be wrong if I obey with a spirit of faith.

My crown in Heaven should shine with innocence and its flowers should be radiant as the sun. Sacrifices are the flowers Jesus and Mary chose.

I must be a victim; that is to say, I should live sacrificially every day as Jesus and Mary did.

Photo Credit Lawrence OP

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