
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Precious Blood Chapet

The Precious Blood Chapet

This Chaplet consists of seven Mysteries, in which we meditate upon the seven times in which JESUS CHRIST shed his Blood for us; It is divided into 7 groups, containing 33 "Our Father's" in honor of the 33 years during which the Precious Blood flowed through the veins of Jesus Christ, before It was all poured out on the Cross for our salvation. After each group, a "Glory Be" is recited in thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity for this great gift of the Precious Blood. While reciting these prayers, meditate on the 7 bloodsheddings of Jesus:

V/. O GOD, come to my assistance.
R/. O LORD make haste to help me.
V/. Glory be to the FATHER, etc.
R/. As it was in the beginning, etc. 


Jesus shed His Blood in the Circumcision
THE first time our loving SAVIOUR shed his Precious Blood for us was on the eighth day after his birth, when he was circumcised in order to fulfill the law of Moses. While, then, we reflect that JESUS did this to satisfy the justice of GOD for our lax ways, let us rouse ourselves to sorrow for them, and promise, with the help of his all-powerful grace, to be henceforth truly chaste in body and in soul. 

Let us ask for chastity of body and soul.
Recite the "Our Father" 5 times, "Glory Be" once.
V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.


Jesus shed His Blood in the Agony while praying in the Garden of Olives
NEXT, in the Garden of Olives, JESUS shed his Blood for us in such quantity that it bathed the earth around. He did this at the sight of the ingratitude with which men would meet his love. Let us, then, repent sincerely that we have hitherto corresponded so ill with the countless blessings of GOD, and resolve to make good use of his graces and inspirations.

Let us ask for the spirit of prayer.
Recite the "Our Father" 5 times, "Glory Be" once.
V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.


Jesus shed His Blood in the Scourging at the Pillar.
Next, in his cruel scourging, JESUS shed his Blood when his flesh was so torn that streams of Blood flowed from every part of his body, all of which he offered all the time to his Eternal FATHER in payment of our impatience and our softness. How comes it, then, that we do not curb our anger and love of self? Henceforth we will try our best to bear our troubles well, and, despising self, take peacefully the injuries which men may do us

Let us ask for patience and self-control.
Recite the "Our Father" 5 times, "Glory Be" once.
V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.


Jesus shed His Blood in the Crowning with Thorns.
Again, from the sacred Head of JESUS, Blood poured down when it was crowned with thorns, in punishment of our pride and evil thoughts. Shall we, then, continue to nurture haughtiness, foster foul imaginations, and feed the wayward will within us? Henceforth let there be ever before our eyes our utter nothingness, our misery, and our weakness; and with generous hearts let us resist all the temptations of the devil.

Let us ask for humility to atone for pride.
Recite the "Our Father" 5 times, "Glory Be" once.
V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.


Jesus shed His Blood while carrying His Cross to Calvary.
What streams of Precious Blood did not our loving LORD pour forth from his veins when laden with the heavy Cross on that most grievous journey to Calvary! The very streets and ways of Jerusalem, through which He passed, were watered with it! This He did in satisfaction for the scandals and bad example by which his own creatures had led others astray. Who can tell how many of us are of this unhappy number? Who knows how many he himself alone has, by his own bad example, brought down to hell? And what have we done to remedy this evil? Henceforth let us at least do all we can to save souls 
by word and by example, making ourselves a pattern to all of goodness and a holy life.

Let us ask for acceptance of our daily crosses.
Recite the "Our Father" 5 times, "Glory Be" once.
V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.


Jesus shed His Blood in the Terrible Crucifixion.
MORE, and still more Precious Blood did the REDEEMER of mankind shed in his barbarous Crucifixion; when, his veins being rent and arteries burst, there rushed forth in a torrent, from his hands and his feet, that saving balm of life eternal, to pay for all the crimes and enormities of a lost world. Who, after this, would continue in sin, and so renew the cruel crucifixion of the SON of GOD? Let us weep bitterly for our bad deeds done, and detest them before the feet of the sacred minister of GOD ; let us amend our evil ways, and henceforth begin a truly Christian life, with the remembrance ever in our hearts of all the Blood which our salvation cost the SAVIOUR of men.

Let us ask for contrition.
Recite the "Our Father" 5 times, "Glory Be" once.
V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.


Jesus shed Blood and water from His Side pierced by a lance.
LAST of all, after his death, when his sacred Side was opened by the lance, and his loving Heart was wounded, JESUS shed Blood, and with it there came forth water, to show us how his Blood was all poured out to the last drop for our salvation. Oh, the great goodness of our redeeming LORD! Who will not love Thee, SAVIOUR of my soul? What heart will not consume itself away for love of Thee, who hast done all this for our redemption? The tongue wants words to praise Thee ; so let us invite all creatures upon earth, all angels and all saints in Paradise, and most of all our dear Mother Mary, to bless, praise, and celebrate thy most Precious Blood. Glory to the Blood of JESUS! Now and ever throughout all ages. Amen

Let us ask for perseverance.
Recite the "Our Father" 3 times, "Glory Be" once.

V/. We pray You, Lord, help your servants.
R/. Whom You have redeemed with Your Precious Blood.

From the Raccolta
Photo taken from Wikimedia Commons

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