
Saturday, December 8, 2012


Consecration Preparation For The Triumphant
Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary



In the dawn of her Triumph Our Lady comes to bring us a message of hope and peace for the world. She speaks to us of her love and desire to embrace each of us as her children. The consecration to her Immaculate Heart is our response to her call in the most complete and divine way. Let us join together globally, universally and ecumenically to give our heart without reserve into the service of her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Through this precious portal of heaven, we will find bestowed upon each of us the depth and breadth of all her blessings and graces. It is the YES of an eternal unity.
These words from Our Holy Mother of Virtues are given to each of us personally. In these messages are contained the words directly from Our Lady, the passages she has given to teach us personally about this time of grace, and the urgency for the consecration through her to Jesus for our present times. They behold enlightenments given through this instrument to guide and direct our path just as Our Lady has taught them. In the GUIDANCE given we find she teaches the purpose and the plan of the consecration. By the means of the DIRECTION we find the effects of our consecration and how to fulfill them in each day of our lives. Within the MEDITATION we offer to her our desires and wishes, petitions and prayers, in order that she may truly help us to become all that God Father shall mold us to be. The text of the consecration itself is a gift from Our Lady, that we may specifically offer our hearts for her Triumph. 

Our Lady so ardently desires to help us in realizing our own importance in this divine plan of God. She speaks to us as her co-hort, her remnant flock, those to be recognized by specific marks. "You will find my remnant flock by these characteristics: devotion to my Immaculate Heart, for God asks to be honored by honoring me; fidelity to our Holy Father - he is the Vicar of Christ, the divine representative among you, the one true shepherd of the one true Church; great reverence for my Son's presence in the Holy Eucharist - He shall write his design for you upon your soul while before the Blessed Sacrament. It is these three marks that shall represent my flock gathered together to fulfill my donation to the entire plan of salvation." The Mother of God comes to us to lead us by the hand into the sanctification of our souls, to prepare our hearts to be presented to Jesus. All that she requests of us is an open heart.

As we prepare to make our Act of Consecration let us be reminded that it is the wish of God Father we are fulfilling. It is an act and not mere words we are reciting, but promises to be renewed everyday. To live our consecration requires the sacrifice of our own will, so that His will may be done in us. We are asked to become holy and good, to be the example of this for all to witness, to be the light of truth, of simplicity and purity, the true imitation of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, and the beacons of Christ on the path to sanctification. 

Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary we are gathered and formed to bring to the world the example of this response to her call. The Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart shall bring into our midst the glorious Reign of His Sacred Heart. It is for this purpose, we pledge our consecration.

Our lady appears under the title of Our Holy Mother of Virtues, for the west is in the greatest need of virtue. We have forgotten the consequences of the act of sin; the state of lukewarmness and indecisiveness runs rampant in our hearts today. In the illusions and darkness of Satan in the world, the Holy Virgin is sent among us to guide our souls through such bleakness. She comes to offer a plan of hope and to bring into our hearts once more the fires of sacred love. A tender mother who calls so gently and affectionately to her children, to repeat that they are dearly loved and that God exists. He waits for each of us, even the last sheep, with open arms of mercy and forgiveness. 

In our consecration we are given the fulfillment of the promise of peace within our hearts, our homes and the entire world. Let us prepare our hearts for this exchange of divine grace, may we open them to this call, may we respond with true conviction, commitment and a single minded focus for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. Ave Maria!

Image taken from Susan WD

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