
Saturday, December 8, 2012



" I come to offer you my greatest gift, my LOVE in a most special exchange - my heart for yours." In this exchange we will partake in Our Lady's Triumph, and be carried in her maternal arms to God Father in heaven. The Holy Spirit clings to our hearts in the moment of our consecration.
To the souls who are consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady promises peace within our hearts, peace in our families, peace in our homelands, and the victory of peace on earth. "Jesus shall claim the Reign of His Sacred Heart, and restore His kingdom." She promises reconciliation, union and peace, "this is what you shall find in my heart waiting for you". She will bring all hearts into union and lead them into the embrace of Jesus. Each one of us will become the sign of unity to all the world.
She promises an open heart to receive and reflect the glory of God, and the sanctification of our souls through the practice of virtue. "To reflect my heart is to become filled in grace, to practice virtue, and remain in the state of purity." 

She becomes our portal to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as we achieve this interior transformation. "To imitate my Immaculate Heart is to follow His holy will and to fulfill every wish of His Sacred Heart." We will receive the halo of purity adorned with virtue.
"I shall plant within you the seed of holiness from which shall grow grace and virtue. " You will experience a new power in prayer that is beyond recognition, and an increased relationship through this prayer with Jesus. All the mysteries of heaven will be taught to your soul, and you will be led to the fullness of the Gospel message and gain the crown of heaven. God will reward love and mercy with His own. "Love is God Father's only gift; from love comes everything else."
"You shall spread the light of Divine Splendor", as the Holy Spirit will be allowed to move within you and through you. She promises to lead us to the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity, then placed in His service in a special way. "I come to help you to transform your heart and soul into the true meaning of conversion."
As our Advocate, she gives us her grace of petition and intercession. "I shall give all to you, this is my solemn promise." As the Mediatrix of all graces, we receive her unending wealth of grace, and a specially created grace to join our hearts through hers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She promises to gift, ".…all the graces God has bestowed on me!"
"I promise to never leave your side", offering protection and guidance through the bleakness of the dark times of the great tribulation, as you will be enclosed in the folds of her mantle and saved from the snares of Satan. " You are set free from the world and captured by me."
"You shall be my precious child."
Each consecrated soul "is endowed with all merits of my heavenly grace." "For through my heart they shall find His in a most profound way!"

Image taken from MorgueFile Photos

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