
Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Holy Hour of Reparation

A Holy Hour of Reparation

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. 

(Here make the intention for the Holy Hour)

O Sacrament most holy 
O Sacrament Divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving 
be every moment thine!

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Act of Contrition
Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe Thou art really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love Thee above everything else, and I long to receive Thee into my soul. I cannot now receive Thee in Holy Communion, but I beg Thee to come to me at least spiritually. I embrace Thee as already there, and unite myself entirely to Thee. Grant that I may never be separated from Thee! 
I adore Thee every moment, O Living Bread from Heaven, great Sacrament!

Offering of the Holy Hour

O my Sweet Jesus,  I desire to spend this Hour with Thee, to console Thee, and to make some reparation by the love of my poor heart for the agony Thou didst suffer in Gethsemane. In that lone hour Thou wast forsaken, and the creatures, whom Thou didst create to love Thee, loved Thee not. The weight of all our sins pressed on Thee, and mine as well;  and for the sorrow which I caused Thee then by my sins, I will endeavor  to repay Thee now by my love. Strengthen it, my Jesus, that it may in some small measure give Thee consolation.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, strengthened in Thine agony by an Angel, comfort us in our agony.

Opening Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament

My Lord Jesus Christ, it is Thy great love for men that keeps Thee day and night in this Sacrament, full of pity and love, expecting, inviting, and welcoming all who visit Thee. I believe that Thou art really present in the Sacrament of the Altar. From the depth of my nothingness, I adore Thee; and I thank Thee for the many graces Thou hast given me, especially for the gift of Thyself in this Sacrament, for the gift of Thy most holy Mother as my intercessor, and for the privilege of visiting Thee in this Church.

I now speak to Thy most loving Heart with a three-fold intention: to thank Thee for the great gift of Thyself; to atone for all the insults which Thy enemies heap upon Thee in this Sacrament; and to adore Thee wherever Thy Eucharistic Presence is dishonored or forgotten.

My Jesus, I love Thee with my whole heart. I am very sorry for my ingratitude to Thine infinite goodness. I now resolve, with the help of Thy grace, never to offend Thee again. And, sinful as I am, I consecrate to Thee ny entire self, my whole will, my affections, my desires, and all that I have. From now on, do with me and mine as Thou pleasest. I ask for and desire only Thy love, final perseverance, and the grace always to do Thy holy will.

I intercede with Thee for the Souls in Purgatory, especially for those who were most devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, and to Thy most holy Mother. I recommend to Thee also, all poor sinners. And lastly, my dear Savior, I unite all my desires with the desires of Thy most loving Heart. Thus united, I present them to Thine Eternal Father, and beg Him in Thy Name and for love of Thee, to hear and answer them.  ~ St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Thine. 

Jesus, I live for Thee, Jesus, I die for Thee, Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death. Amen. 

Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on our erring brethren. 

Jesus, King and Center of all hearts, through the advent of Thy Kingdom, grant us peace.

Rosary: Sorrowful Mysteries

First Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
Second Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
Third Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns
Fourth Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
Fifth Mystery: The Crucifixion and Death

To Jesus Abandoned

With Mary Immaculate, let us adore, thank, implore and console, the Most Beloved and Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

O Divine Jesus, lonely tonight in so many Tabernacles, without visitor or worshipper I offer Thee my poor heart. May its every throb be an act of love for Thee. Thou art always watching beneath the Sacramental Veils; in Thy Love Thou dost never sleep and Thou art never weary of Thy vigil for sinners. O lonely Jesus, may the flame of my heart burn and beam always in company with Thee.

O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine!  All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine! 

Veneration of the Thorn-Crowned Savior

And platting a crown of thorns, they put it up on His head. They began to spit upon Him, and they gave Him blows. Others smote His face and said: 'Prophesy, who is it that struck Thee?' "

O holy Redeemer! Thou art clothed with a scarlet cloak, a reed is placed in Thy hands for a sceptre, and the sharp points of a thorny crown are pressed into Thy adorable head.

My soul, thou canst never conceive the sufferings, the insults and indignities offered to our Blessed Lord during this scene of pain and mockery.

I therefore salute Thee and offer Thee supreme homage as King of Heaven and earth, the Redeemer of the world, the Eternal Son of the
living God.

O my afflicted Savior! O King of the world, Thou art ridiculed as a mock king. I believe in Thee and adore Thee as the King of kings and
Lord of lords, as the supreme Ruler of Heaven and earth.

O Jesus! I devoutly venerate Thy sacred head pierced with thorns, struck with a reed, overwhelmed with pain and derision.

I adore the Precious Blood flowing from Thy bleeding wounds. To Thee be all praise, all thanksgiving and all love for evermore.

O meek Lamb, Victim for sin! May Thy thorns penetrate my heart with fervent love, that I may never cease to adore Thee as my God, my King and my Savior.

V. Behold, O God, our Protector,
R. And look upon the face of Thy Christ.

O my beloved Savior, at sight of Thy most holy face disfigured by suffering, at the sight of Thy Sacred Heart so full of love, I cry out with St. Augustine: "Lord Jesus, imprint on my heart Thy sacred wounds, so that I may read therein sorrow and love: sorrow, to endure every sorrow for Thee; love, to despise every love for Thee." Amen.

We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. 

To Our Lord On the Cross

My Crucified Jesus, mercifully accept the prayer which I now make to Thee for help in the moment of my death, when at its approach all my senses shall fail me.

When, therefore, O sweetest Jesus, my weary and downcast eyes can no longer look up to Thee, be mindful of the loving gaze which I now turn on Thee, and have mercy on me.

When my parched lips can no longer kiss Thy most sacred wounds, remember then those kisses which now I imprint on Thee, and have mercy on me.

When my cold hands can no longer embrace Thy Cross, forget not the affection with which I embrace it now, and have mercy on me.

And when, at length, my swollen and lifeless tongue can no longer speak, remember
that I called upon Thee now.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, to Thee I commend my soul. Amen.

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of our souls.

Devotion in Honor of the Five Holy Wounds 

Prayer for an Increase in Daily Holy Communions

O Sweetest Jesus, Who camest into this world to give to all the life of Thy grace, and Who, to preserve and sustain it, didst will to be the remedy of our daily infirmities, and our daily food; humbly we pray Thee, by Thy Heart, all on fire for love of us, to pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon all, so that those who are unhappily in mortal sin may be converted to Thee, and recover the life of grace which they have lost; and those who by Thy gift still live this Divine life, may every day, when they are able, approach devoutly to Thy holy table, where, in daily Holy Communion, receiving every day the antidote to their daily venial sins, and nourishing the life of grace in their hearts, and purifying more and more their souls, they may come at last to the enjoyment with Thee of eternal beatitude. Amen.

Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee! 

Prayer for Those in Their Last Agony

(Recited while kneeling)

O Most Merciful Jesus, Lover of Souls: I pray Thee, by the agony of Thy most Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of Thine Immaculate Mother, cleanse in Thy Blood the sinners of the whole world who are now in their last agony, and are to die this day. Amen.

Heart of Jesus Agonizing, have mercy on the dying.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, we love Thee, save souls.

For Our Holy Father

Jesus, Supreme Pontiff of the New and Eternal Testament, Thou art seated at the right hand of God as a perpetual Advocate for us and are pleased to be for all time with Thy beloved spouse the Church and with Thy vicar who governs her. Divine Prince of the pastors of Thy flock, You have deigned to place on the throne of Peter Thy servant and Pontiff, Pope N . . . Make him, in the midst of the wickedness of our times, mild in hostile attacks, strong in the defense of the faith, and a gentle father and watchful master in the pastoral office.

May Thy Kingdom come, Immortal King of the ages! May the truth, which Thou hast brought from Heaven, reach even to the ends of the earth. May the fire which Thou willest to be cast upon the earth inflame all hearts. This is the desire that is in the heart of Thy vicar: a desire to reconcile all men to Thee; a desire for concord and forgiveness among nations; a desire for justice and peace.

Jesus, enlighten Thy vicar. Strengthen him in his sorrows and in his universal cares. Speak that powerful word, O Lord, which shall change minds, turn hate into love, check the fury of human passions, temper the sufferings, and dry the tears of those who are in sorrow. Increase the virtue and the resignation of families and pacify nations and peoples so that the Church built by Thee on Saint Peter to gather all people around Thine altar of life and salvation, may invoke Thee, adore Thee, and exalt Thee in peace forever. Amen.

V. Let us pray for our Pontiff N . . . 
R. The Lord preserve him, and give him life, and bless him upon earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all Thy faithful people, mercifully look upon Thy servant N., whom Thou hast chosen as the chief Shepherd to preside over Thy Church. We beg Thee to help him edify, both by word and example, those over whom he has charge, that he may reach everlasting life together with the flock entrusted to him. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ Taken from the Roman Missal

O Heart of Love, I put all my trust in Thee, for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness.   - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Period of Silent Adoration 

"Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth."  (1 Kings 3:10)
"Lord, what wiLt Thou have me do?"  (Acts 9:6)

Prayer for Final Perseverance

Eternal Father, I humbly adore and thank Thee for having created me, and for having redeemed me by means of Jesus Christ. I thank Thee for having made me a Christian by giving me the true faith, and by adopting me for Thy child in holy Baptism. I thank Thee for having given me time for repentance after my many sins, and for having, as I hope, pardoned all my offenses against Thee. O Infinite Goodness! I thank Thee also for having preserved me from falling again as often as I should have done if Thou hadst not held me up and saved me. But my enemies do not cease to fight against me, nor will they until death, that they may again have me for their slave; If Thou dost not keep and help me continually by Thine assistance, I shall be wretched enough to lose Thy grace anew. I therefore pray Thee, for the love of Jesus Christ, to grant me holy perseverance till death. Thy Son Jesus has promised that Thou wilt grant us whatever we ask for in His name. By the merits, then of Jesus Christ, I beg of Thee for myself, and for all those who are in Thy grace, the grace of never more being separated from Thy love, but that we may always love Thee in this life and in the next.

Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love,
Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation.

Closing Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament

At this hour of adoration closes, O Jesus, I renew my faith and trust in Thee. I am refreshed after these moments with Thee, and I count myself among a privileged number, even as Thy disciples were, who shared Thy actual presence.

Realizing that my visit to Thee is of little avail unless I try to live a better life and set a better example, I am resolved to go forth again to my duties and my concerns with a renewed spirit of perseverance and good will. In my daily life I will try to love and serve God well, and love my neighbor also, for these two things go together. I will try to be a true disciple, indeed. Help me, O Jesus, in this my resolution.

Bless me, dear Lord, before I go. And bless not me alone, O Lord, but all as well who are here present, and all who could not come, especially the sick and the dying. Bless our homes and all the children there. Bless all our life and the hour of our death.

Grant rest to the Souls of the faithful departed, and bring them into the light of Thy Divine glory.

So may we who have worshipped Thee and been blessed by Thee here on earth, come to behold the radiant glory of Thy unveiled countenance in Heaven for ever and ever. Amen.

Say three times: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!

For the Intetions of the Holy Father to Gain the Indulgences of the Holy Hour: 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 GLory be to the Father

  O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine! 

In the Name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the HoLy Spirit. Amen. 

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