
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

St. Vincent Ferrer Quotes

St. Vincent Ferrer Quotes

If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart. Ask him simply to fill you with charity, the greatest of all virtues; with it you can accomplish what you desire.

Let devotion accompany your studies: consult God, the giver of all science and ask Him with humility to make you understand what you read and learn. Interrupt your application by short prayers: never begin or end your studies but by prayer. learning is a gift of the Father of Lights; do not, therefore, consider it a fruit of your own intellect or industry.

Whatever you do, think not of yourself, but of God

Regard yourself as more vile and miserable in the sight of God because of your faults than any sinner whatever, no matter what his sins. . . and consider closely that any grace or inclination to good or desire of virtue you may have, is not of yourself but of the sole mercy of Christ. 

A vain question deserves nothing but silence. So learn to be silent for a time; you will edify your brethren and silence will teach you to speak when the hour is come.

Do you desire to study to your advantage? Let devotion accompany all your studies, and study less to make yourself learned than to become a saint. Consult God more than your books, and ask him, with humility, to make you understand what you read. Study fatigues and drains the mind and heart. Go from time to time to refresh them at the feet of Jesus Christ under his cross. Some moments of repose in his sacred wounds give fresh vigor and new lights. Interrupt your application by short, but fervent and ejaculatory prayers: never begin or end your study but by prayer. Science is a gift of the Father of lights; do not therefore consider it as barely the work of your own mind or industry." 

Photo taken from Wikimedia Commons

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