
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yea, Blessed Are They Which do Hunger and Thirst

Yea, Blessed Are They Which do Hunger and Thirst

But it will be well to note what class of people takes comfort in the thought of God. Surely not that perverse and crooked generation to whom it was said, 'Woe unto you that are rich; for ye have received your consolation' (Luke 6.24). Rather, those who can say with truth, 'My soul refuseth comfort' (Ps. 77.2). For it is meet that those who are not satisfied by the present should be sustained by the thought of the future, and that the contemplation of eternal happiness should solace those who scorn to drink from the river of transitory joys. That is the generation of them that seek the Lord, even of them that seek, not their own, but the face of the God of Jacob. To them that long for the presence of the living God, the thought of Him is sweetest itself: but there is no satiety, rather an ever-increasing appetite, even as the Scripture bears witness, 'they that eat me shall yet be hungry' (Ecclus. 24.21). . . Yea, blessed even now are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they, and they only, shall be filled.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Photo Credit Waiting for the Word

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