
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Holy Virtues

Virtues: (Faith, Hope, Love etc..)

Catechism on Hope (by St. John Vianney)
Catechism on Cardinal Virtues (by St. John Vianney)
Catechism on the Purogatives of the Pure Soul (by St. John Vianney)
The Bonds of Love (by St. Catherine of Siena)
The Ability to Love is within each of Us (by St. Basil the Great, bishop)
The Armor of Love (by St Fulgentius of Ruspe) 
The Twin Commandments of Love (by St Augustine)
Hope and Grace (from the Penny Catechism)
Have Faith in Christ, and love (by Saint Ignatius of Antioch)
Who can express the binding Power of Divine Love (by Saint Clement I, pope)
From the First, Faith has been the God's means. . . (by Saint Clement I, pope) 
Letter to all the Faithful (by Saint Francis of Assisi) 
Thoughts and Sentiments on Humility (by Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo)
Who has Charity? (by St. John Vianney)
Have a Clean Face (by Saint John Vianney)
Charity (from the Penny Catechism)
Loves desires to see God (by Saint Peter Chrysologus)
In Praise of Gentleness (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)
On Matthew 5:3-8, Blessed are the pure in Heart (by Saint Augustine)
Do all You Can to Love Everyone (by St. Basil the Great)
Love of Our Neighbor (by St. John Vianney)
The special virtue of discrimination (by St. John Cassian)
Yea, Blessed Are They Which do Hunger and Thirst (by St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
This is the new creature whom the Master seeks (by Pope St. Gregory the Great)
Let us be obedient to conscience (by St. Isaiah the Solitary)
Virtues and Vices (from the Penny Catechism)
Our Inconsistency (by Saint John Vianney)
The Practice of Charity (by Saint Therese of Lisieux)
Greater Love than this No Man Has (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
Put Faith into Practice by Thinking on These Four Truths (by St. Bernadette Soubirous)
The Duty of Mercy Outweighs all other Virtues (by Saint Leo the Great)
Repairing the Wrong Done (by Saint John Vianney)
Renounce Sin For Good and All (by Saint John Vianney)
Spiritual Almsgiving (by Saint Augustine)
The Primary Duty of Charity (by Pope St. Pius X)
Let Us Sanctify Ourselves in Both Thoughts and Deeds (by St. Theodore the Studite)
Purity is not Known (by Saint John Vianney)
Seek the Good of All, Not Personal Advantage (by Saint Clement, pope)
Now, My Dearest Brothers, Listen Carefully to What I tell You (by Pope St. Gregory VII)
Our Goods are Given us Not as our Own Possessions (by Saint Leo the Great)
Even so let your Light shine before Men (by Saint Augustine)
The Contest of Faith (by Saint Cyprian)
Love of our Neighbor (by Saint John Vianney)
Concerning Lowliness of Mind Part I (by Saint John Chrysostom)
Concerning Lowliness of Mind Part II (by Saint John Chrysostom)
We Proclaim Christ to the Whole World (by Pope Paul VI)
The Duty of Fasting is Based on Both the Old and New Testaments (by Saint Leo the Great)
If I Wanted to Please Men, I Would not be a Servant of Christ (by Saint Augustine)
On Incensive Power (by St. Diadochos of Photiki)
The Way to True Life (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
The Signs that accompany the Religious and Non Religious (by St. Symeon Metaphrastis)
We Minister to Christ Himself in the Person of his Poor (by Saint Leo the Great)
We are Blessed if we Fulfill the commands of the Lord (by Saint Clement, Pope)
Salt of the Earth, and Light of the World (by Saint John Chrysostom)
All Men Are Called to Holiness (by Saint Augustine)
Self-Restraint Leads to Higher Enjoyments (by Saint Leo the Great)
We should be Christians in Deed, as Well as in Name (by Saint Ignatius of Antioch)
Hope of Life is the Beginning and End of Our faith (attributed to Barnabus)
Let Everything be Done for God's Honour (by Saint Ignatius of Loyola)
For the Sake of God we must endure all Things (by Saint Ignatius of Antioch)
Sow for the Sake of your own Righteousness (by Saint Basil the Great)
Let Us Follow a New Way of Life through the Spirit (by Saint Pacian)
Your Body is Holy and Glorious (by Pope Pius XII)
We must Sanctify the Whole World (by Saint Maximilian Kolbe)
I Love because I Love, I Love that I may Love (by Saint Bernard, abbot)
Of Obedience, Silence and Humility (by Saint Benedict)
On Works and Alms (by Saint Cyprian of Carthrage)
Of Faith (by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem)y Saint Bernard, abbot)
The Way of Light (taken from the Epistle of Barnabus)
The New Law of Our Lord (taken from the Epistle of Barnabus)
On Repentance and Remission of Sins (by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem)
The "Second Epistle" of St. Clement (by Saint Clement)
Imitating Christ and Despising All Vanities on Earth (by Thomas Kempis)
The Instruments of Good Works (by Saint Benedict)
The Book of Supreme Truth (by Blessed Jan van Ruysbroek)
A Faith That is Eager and Firm (by Saint Cyprian)
The Sparkling Stone (by Blessed Jan van Ruysbroek)
The Sparkling Stone, Part II (by Blessed Jan van Ruysbroek)
I Shall Put My Laws Within Them (by Pope Saint Leo the Great)
We Must Be Simple, Humble and Pure (by Saint Francis of Assisi)
Whoever Loves Your Law will have Abundant Peace (by Pope Saint Leo the Great)
Serving the Poor is to be Preferred above all Things (by Saint Vincent de Paul)
Acts that the Christian Should Perform Every Day (by St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
Let Us Follow the Way of Truth (by Pope St Clement I)
The Power of Faith Transcends Man's Strength (by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem)
Let Hope Give Us Endurance (from a sermon of the second century)
Husbands, Do You Preserve a ...Hearty Love for Your Wives (by St. Francis de Sales)
The Heart of the Just Man will Rejoice in the Lord (by Saint Augustine)
If We are Sheep, We Overcome; if Wolves, We are Overcome (by St John Chrysostom)
How the Heart Should be Gathered Within Itself (by St. Alfred the Great)

Recommended Reading

Holiness: A Guide for Beginners
Learning the Virtues: That Lead You to God
The Virtues of Holiness: The Basics of Spiritual Struggle
The Art of Loving God: Simple Virtues for the Christian Life
The Secret Of Sanctity Of St. John Of The Cross
Courageous Love: A Bible Study on Holiness for Women
The Context of Holiness: Psychological and Spiritual Reflections

Updated Regularly

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