Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Signs that Accompany the Religious and Non Religious

The Signs that Accompany the Religious and Non Religious

The signs that accompany those who wish to submit to the Logos of God and who bring forth good fruit are: sighing, weeping, sorrow, stillness, shaking of the head, prayer, silence, persistence, bitter grief, tribulation of heart arising from religious devotion.

In addition, their actions manifest vigilance, fasting, self-control, gentleness, forbearance, unceasing prayer, study of the divine Scriptures, faith, humility, brotherly affection, submission, rigorous toil, hardship, love, kindliness, courtesy and-the sum of all-light, which is the Lord.

The signs that accompany those who are not producing the fruit of life are: listlessness, day-dreaming, curiosity, lack of attention, grumbling, instability; and in their actions they manifest gluttony, anger, wrath, back-biting, conceit, untimely talk, unbelief, disorderliness, forgetfulness, unrest, sordid greed, avarice, envy, fractiousness, contempt, garrulity, senseless laughter, willfulness and - the sum of all - darkness, which is Satan.

St. Symeon Metaphrastis
Image taken from Wikimedia Commons

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