
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


On Angels (by Saint Bernard, abbot)
On Death (by St. John Vianney)
On Grace (by St. John Vianney)
On Paradise (by St. John Vianney)
St Anthony Preached to the Fishes (by St. Anthony  of Padua)
Catechism on Suffering (by St. John Vianney) 
The Suffering of Christ (by St. Augustine)
The Value of Holy Water (by St. Teresa of Avila)
A Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness (by Eusebius of Caesarea)
Where Are Your Going? (by St. John Vianney)
You Can Become a Good Tree (by St. John Vianney)
The Flesh Revealed Life Itself (by St. Augustine) 
The Holy Guardian Angels (by St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
Christian Remember your Dignity (by Pope St. Leo the Great) 
The Gift of Every Day (by St. John Vianney)
To those Reborn in Baptism (Saint Augustine)
The Love of Christ Drives Us On (by Saint Anthony Mary Claret)
Consider the Poor in the Light of Faith (by Saint Vincent de Paul)
The Beloved Crosses (by St. John Vianney)
The Word Creates Divine Harmony in Creation (by Saint Athanasius, bishop) 
The Harmony of Unity (by Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr) 
For the Love of Christ, Paul bore every Burden (by Saint John Chrysostom, bishop) 
On the Fear of Hell (by Father Martin Von Cochem, O.S.F.C.)
On False Spiritual Peace (by St Dorotheus)
If Man Knew His Religion (by St. John Vianney)
You Have Not the Time (by St. John Vianney)
Merit Absolution (by St. John Vianney)
Actions Speak Louder than Words (by St. Anthony of Padua)
Do You Want to Be Happy? (by St. John Vianney
Thou, O Lord, how long? (by St. Augustine)
In the Stormy Seas (by Saint Thomas More)
Late Have I Loved You (by Saint Augustine)
Perfect Joy Is Only in the Cross (from the Little Flowers of St. Francis)
The Seven Spiritual Weapons (by Saint Catherine of Bologna)
I Have My Mission (by John Henry Newman)
The Public Crosses (by Saint John Vianney)
Harvest Crosses (by Saint John Vianney)
The Armed Crosses (by Saint John Vianney)
The Crosses which are Worn (by Saint John Vianney)
On the Devil (by Saint Bruno)
On Pilgrimages (by Saint Gregory of Nyssa )
Have You Religion in your Heart? (by Saint John Vianney)
We Are Nothing In Ourselves (by Saint John Vianney)
The Distinction between Types of Dreams (by St. Diadochos of Photiki)
Homily on the Sinful Woman (by Saint Ephraim)
On the Soul (by Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus)
Fights Without and Fears Within (by Pope Saint Gregory the Great)
All Men Are Called to Holiness (by Saint Augustine)
To Encourage the Spirit Not to Fall into Despair (by Saint Anselm of Canterbury)
I Shall Put My Laws Within Them (by Pope Saint Leo the Great) 
Whoever Loves Your Law will have Abundant Peace (by Pope Saint Leo the Great)

Truth Has Arisen from the Earth (by Saint Augustine)

You Light Up Your Grace of Body with the Radiance of Your Mind (by St Ambrose)

Pope John Paul's Word to Women Who Had an Abortion (by Pope John Paul II)

Recommended Reading

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