
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Prayer and Worship

About Prayer, Penance, Worship.... 

Catechism On Prayer (by St. John Vianney)
On Prayer II (by St. John Vianney) 
Rules for the proper observance of Novenas (by St. Alphonus De Liguori)
The Goal of Prayer (by St. Francis De Sales)
On the Lord's Prayer (by Saint Augustine)
Prayer Commands All (by St. John Vianney)
We must not pray in words only, but with deeds (by St Cyprian)
Your Prayers are only an Insult (by Saint John Vianney)
On the Conditions and Consolations of True Repentance (by Jean-Baptiste Massillon)
His Prayer is a Lie (by Saint John Vianney)
You Have Not the Time (by Saint John Vianney)
What True Devotion Is (by Saint Francis de Sales)
How to Prepare before Prayer (by Saint Bridget of Sweden)
Prayer as a Protection and the Love of God (by Saint Teresa of Avila)
On the Stages of Contemplation (by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux)
Regarding Devotion to Mary (by Saint Louis de Montfort)
On the Lord's Prayer by Saint Augustine
On the Lord's Prayer Part Four

Treatise on Prayer (by Saint Catherine of Genoa)

The Means by which the Soul arrives at Pure Love

How the Soul Proceeds from Vocal to Mental Prayer
The Method which the Soul Separates herself from Imperfect Love 
The Signs the Soul knows she has arrived at Perfect Love 
How they who are Imperfect Desire to Follow the Father alone
How Worldly People render Glory and praise to GOD, whether they Will or No
How even the Devils render Glory and Praise to GOD
How the Soul, after she has Passed through this Life, sees Fully
How after Saint Paul was drawn to the glory of the Blessed..
How the Soul who finds herself in the Unitive State
How they have the Eye of their Intellect Illuminated by Supernatural Light
How this Devout soul seeks Knowledge from God concerning the Fruit of Tears
How There are Five kinds of Tears
Of the Difference of these Tears
How the Four Stages of the Soul, produce Tears of Infinite Value
Of the Fruit of Worldly Men’s Tears
How this Devout Soul, makes three Petitions
How the Light of Reason is Necessary to every Soul
The Second Light, more perfect than the former General One
Of the Third and most Perfect State, and of Reason, and of the Works Done
In What way they Receive the Earnest of Eternal Lift in this Life
How this Soul, Rendering Thanks to God, Humiliates Herself
How God renders this Soul attentive to Prayer
Of the Dignity of the Priest; and of the Sacrament of the Body of Christ
How the Bodily Sentiments are all Deceived in the aforesaid Sacrament
Of the Excellent State of the Soul who Receives the Sacrament in Grace
That We Might Know Better the Dignity of Priests
Of the Excellence, Virtues, and Holy Works of Virtuous and Holy Ministers
A Brief Repetition and of the Reverence which should be paid to Priests
Of the Difference between the Death of a Just Man and that of a Sinner
Of the Death of Sinners, and of their Pains in the Hour of Death
How this Devout soul, Praising and Thanking GOD, made a Prayer for the Holy Church

Journey of the Mind into God by Saint Bonaventure


On the Steps of Ascension into God
On the Sight of God in His Vestiges in this Sensible World
On the Sight of God through His Image Marked on Natural Powers
On the Sight of God in His Image Reformed by Gratuitious Gifts
On the Sight of the Divine Unity through Its Primary Name
On the Sight of the Most Blessed Trinity in His Name
On the Mental and Mystical Excess, in Which Rest is Given to the Intellect 


Catechism on the Real Presence (by St. John Vianney)

On Communion (by St. John Vianney)
The Paschal Sacrament (by St.Athanasius Archbishop of Alexandria) 
You Should Come Earlier (by Saint John Vianney)
O Precious and Wonderful Banquet! (by St. Thomas Aquinas)


Clear your Minds  (by St. John Vianney)
Devotion must be Practiced in Different ways (by Saint Francis de Sales, bishop)\
On Frequent Communion (by St. John Vianney)
When you go back Home (by Saint John Vianney)
You are Suprised, But Not I! (by Saint John Vianney)
We are Keeping a Feast (by Saint John Vianney)
The Value of the Mass
The Crosses which are Worn (by Saint John Vianney)
Spiritual Almsgiving (by Saint Augustine)


Updated Regularly 

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