
Monday, June 3, 2013


Catechism on the Word of God (by St. John Vianney) 
The Didache (teaching of the twelve apostles)
The Lord Jesus explaines the Parables of thr Sower (by Saint Augustine)
The Paraphrase of the Our Father (by St. Francis of Assisi)
Blessed Are the Clean of Heart (by Saint Theophilus of Antioch)
Blessed are the Peacemakers (by St. Peter Chrysologus)
Whosoever shall Say to His Brother, You Fool (by Saint Augustine)
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness (by Saint Augustine)
I Will Go Up to Your Glorious Dwelling-Place (by St Jerome)
On the Transfiguration (by Saint Leo the Great)
On King David was a Prophet and He Fell into Crime (by St. Theodore the Studite)
I am not Worthy that You should come under my Roof (by Saint Augustine)
The Remnant of Israel (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
The Way to True Life (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
I Rejoice Exceedingly in all my Tribulations (by St. John Chrysostom)
Whosoever shall Speak a Word against the Holy Spirit (by Saint Augustine)
Whosoever shall Speak a Word against the Holy Spirit II (by Saint Augustine)
Homily on the First Psalm (by Saint Hilary of Poitiers)
Ask, and it shall be given you (by Saint Augustine)
Our Heart is Enlarged (by St. John Chrysostom)
On Matthew 6:22-23 (by Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus)
And when He was entered into a Boat... (by Saint Augustine)
As the Father sent Me, So I am sending You (by Saint Cyril of Alexandria)
Salt of the Earth, and Light of the World (by Saint John Chrysostom)
Either make the Tree Good, and its Fruit Good (by Saint Augustine)
Sharers in the Suffering of Christ (by Saint John Chrysostom)
I am the Vine, You are the Branches (by Saint Cyril of Alexandria)
Even so let your Light shine before Men (by Saint Augustine)
Precursor of Christ in Birth and Death (by Saint Bede the Venerable)
In Good Pastures I Shall Feed My Sheep (by Saint Augustine)
All Men Are Called to Holiness (by Saint Augustine)
Salt of the Earth and Light of the World (by St. John Chrysostom)
The Benefits of Abstinence shown by the Example (by Saint Leo the Great)
Jesus Prays for Us and in Us and is the Object of Our Prayers (by Saint Augustine)
A Samaritan Woman Came to Draw Water (by Saint Augustine)
The true Solomon is our Lord Jesus Christ (by Saint Augustine)
Christ Spoke of His Body as a Temple (by Origen)
The Blessedness of Christ's Kingdom (by Saint Leo the Great)
Yea, Blessed Are They Which do Hunger and Thirst (by St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
I shall Sing in Spirit, and with Understanding (by St Ambrose)
The Meaning of the Fear of the Lord (by Saint Hilary of Poitiers)
Come unto Me, all You that Labour (by Saint Augustine)
Come unto Me, all You that Labour II (by Saint Augustine)
You are the Light of the World (by St Chromatius)
The Glory You Gave Me, I have Give to Them (by Saint Gregory of Nyssa)
Homily on the Sinful Woman (by Saint Ephraim)
The Flesh revealed life Itself (by Saint Augustine)
The Song of the Church (by Pope Saint Pius X)
The Magnificat (by Venerable Bede)
If I Forget You, Jerusalem (by Saint Bruno)
On the Creation of the World (by Saint Victorinus)
It is Good for Us to Be Here (by Anastasius of Sinai, bishop)
By His Wounds we are Healed (by Theodoret of Cyr, bishop)
The Remnant of Israel Shall be led to Pasture (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
That you Hid these Things from the Wise (by Saint Augustine)
That you Hid these Things from the Wise II (by Saint Augustine)
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)
The "Second Epistle" of St. Clement (by Saint Clement)
Lay not up for Yourselves Treasures upon Earth (by Saint Augustine)
Are You He that Come or Look we for Another? (by Saint Augustine)
Christ has Reconciled the World to God by His Own Blood (by Saint Ambrose)
Be not afraid of them that kill the body (by Saint Augustine)
Commentary on the Apocalypse Part I (by Saint Victorinus)
Commentary on the Apocalypse Part II (by Saint Victorinus)
Return to Me (by Saint Jerome, Priest)
A Homily on the Beatitudes (by Pope Saint Leo the Great)
Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ (by Saint Jerome)
My Name Is Great Among The Nations (by Saint Cyril of Alexandria)
The Water of the River Gives Joy to God's City (by Saint Hilary of Poitiers)
The Weakness of God is Stronger than Men (by St. John Chrysostom)
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves (by Saint Augustine)
The Duty of Fasting is Based on the Old and New Testaments (by Saint Leo the Great)
The One Mediator of God and Men is the Man Christ Jesus (by St. Ambrose)
Articles and Posts

The Canticle of Mary
The Four Marks of the True Church
Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

Recommended Reading

Gospel of Mark, The (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
Commentary on Matthew (Fathers of the Church)
Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
Acts (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
St. John's Gospel: A Bible Study Guide and Commentary
Living the Truth in Love: A Biblical Introduction to Moral Theology
First and Second Timothy, Titus (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
Commentary on the Gosepl of John 3 Volume Set (Thomas Aquinas in Translation)

Updated Regularly

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