
Monday, June 3, 2013



Catechism on the Blessed Virgin Mary (by St. John Vianney)
The Church Rises like the Dawn (by Pope St Gregory the Great)
Mary and the Church (by Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot) 
Sermon on Purgatory (by St. John Vianney) 
Doctors of the Church (Chronological List)
List of Popes (Chronological List)
The Profession of Faith (Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith)
The Five Precepts of the Church (from the Penny Catechism)
Holy Days of Obligation (Main Feasts of the Church)
The Power of One Hail Mary (Miscellaneous Sources)
The Value of the Mass (from the Pieta Prayer booklet)
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Main Marian Feasts)
The Long List of Marian Feasts (for every Month of the Year)
The Value of Spiritual Communion (from the Pieta Prayer booklet)
The Early Church Fathers (the Ante Nicene to Post Nicene)
The Catholic Dedication of the Months of the Year (Dedicated to...)
Criticism of Priests (from the Pieta Prayer Booklet)
We Are Christians As Well As Leaders (by Saint Augustine)
"Why Should I Go To Mass Every Day?" (from the Pieta Prayer Booklet)
A Declaration of Faith (by Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus)
WHY the daily rosary? (from the Pieta Prayer Booklet)
When you go back Home (by Saint John Vianney)
We are Keeping a Feast (by Saint John Vianney)
On Indulgences (from the Raccolta)
The Penny Catechism (Catechism for Beginners)
A Sermon to Catechumens on the Creed (by Saint Augustine)
Graces Derived From Assisting at Holy Mass (from the Pieta Prayer Booklet)
The 15 Marks of the Catholic Church (by St. Robert Bellarmine)
Prepare Your Soul For Temptation (by Saint Augustine)
Be a Model for the Faithful (by Saint Augustine)
Let the Pastor Be Discreetly Silent and to the Point (by Pope Saint Gregory the Great)
The Great Catechism (by Saint Gregory of Nyssa)
The Song of the Church (by Pope Saint Pius X)
The Season of Advent (by St Charles Borromeo)
The Example of Saint Paul (by Saint Augustine)
The Creed (by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem)
The Lord Follows His Preachers (by Pope Saint Gregory the Great)
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady: Its Origin and Promise(by Fulton J. Sheen)
The Lenten Fast an Opportunity for Restoring our Purity (by Saint Leo the Great)
I Shall Feed My Sheep on Good Pasture (by Saint Augustine)
The Performance of Our Ministry (by Pope Saint Gregory the Great)
No-One Should Seek What is His Own, But What is Christ's (by Saint Augustine)

On the Mysteries (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)

Catechism on the Priesthood (by St. John Vianney)
On Confession (by St. John Vianney) 
It is Necessary to be Converted (by St. John Vianney)
On Frequent Communion (by St. John Vianney)
Merit Absolution (by St. John Vianney)
Thoughts on the Way to Church (by St. John Vianney)
The Sacraments (The Penny Catechism)
To those Reborn in Baptism (Saint Augustine)
Baptism Makes Every One of Us Into a Temple of God (by St Caesarius of Arles)
To the Newly Baptised on the Eucharist (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)
Instruction on the Post-Baptismal Rites (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)
The Many Prefigurations of Baptism in Scripture (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)
Confess your Sins at the Acceptable Time (by St Cyril of Jerusalem)
Baptism and Original Sin (by Saint Augustine)
Annual Confessions (by Saint John Vianney)
Catechesis on the Rites preceding Baptism (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)
Who, O God, is Like You? You take away Guilt (by Saint Pacian)


On Communion (by St. John Vianney)
On the Effects of Holy Communion (by Fr. Michael Muller, C.S.S.R.)
The Paschal Sacrament (by St.Athanasius Archbishop of Alexandria) 
O Precious and Wonderful Banquet! (by St. Thomas Aquinas)
You Should Come Earlier (by Saint John Vianney)
Treatise On The Blessed Sacrament (by Saint Thomas More)
The Eucharist (from Ancient Document called the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles)
The Sacrament is Effected by the Words of Christ (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)


The Value of Holy Water (by St. Teresa of Avila)

Updated Regularly

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