
Monday, June 3, 2013


On Death, Dying, Salvation, Purgatory, Heaven, Hell, etc...

On Death (by St. John Vianney)
On Paradise (by St. John Vianney)
Catechism on Salvation (by St. John Vianney)
On Salvation II (by St. John Vianney)
Sermon on Purgatory (by St. John Vianney)
The Little Number of those that Are Saved (by St. Leonard of Port Maurice)
On the Last Judgement (by St. John Vianney)  
The Mystery of our Reconciliation with God (by Pope St. Leo the Great) 
Sermon on the Last Judgement - Sheep and Goats (by St. Vincent Ferrer O.P.)
Where Are Your Going? (by St. John Vianney)
On the Fear of Hell (by Father Martin Von Cochem, O.S.F.C.)
The Precious Life Giving Cross (by St.Theodore the Studite)
Be Religious or be Damned! (by St. John Vianney)
What is the number of those who love Thee, O God? (by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori)
Labor in Earnest for Salvation (by St. John Vianney)
I Come on Behalf of God (by Saint John Vianney)
Revelations on Purgatory (from Saint Faustina's Diary)
Let Us Banish the Fear of Death (by Saint Cyprian)
The Sewer of Hell (by Saint John Vianney)
The Spiritual Passover (by Psuedo-Chrysostom)
How Death will Reveal Theives! (by Saint John Vianney)
The Bad Death (by Saint John Vianney)
To Encourage the Spirit Not to Fall into Despair (by Saint Anselm of Canterbury)
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady: Its Origin and Promise (by Fulton J. Sheen)
We Should Meditate on the Mysteries of Salvation (by Saint Bernard)
You Have Been Saved by Grace (by Saint Polycarp)
It is a Holy Thought to Pray For the Dead (by St Gregory Nazianzen)
Fatima and the Vision of Hell (by Sister Lucy of Fatima)
Description of Hell (by Sister Josefa Menendez)

Treatise on Purgatory (by Saint Catherine of Genoa)

The State of Souls in Purgatory
The Joy of Souls in Purgatory
Separation from God is the Greatest Pain of Purgatory 
Souls in Hell and those in Purgatory
Of the Peace and Joy which are Found in Purgatory
How great Violence of Love the souls in Purgatory desire to enjoy God
Of the Marvelous Wisdom of God in the Creation of Purgatory and of Hell
Of the Necessity of Purgatory, and of its Terrific Character
How God and the Soul Reciprocally Regard each other in Purgatory
How God makes use of Purgatory to Complete the Purification of the Soul
The Desire of Souls in Purgatory to be Purified
How Joy and Suffering are United in Purgatory
The Souls in Purgatory are Not in a State to Merit
Of the Submission of the Souls in Purgatory to the Will of God
Reproaches of the Soul in Purgatory to Persons in this World
Showing that the Sufferings of the Souls in Purgatory do not Prevent their Peace and Joy
Which Concludes Concerning the Souls in Purgatory

The Art of Dying Well (by Saint Robert Bellarmine)

Preface of Bellarmine
He Who Desires to Die Well, Must Live Well
The Second Precept, Which Is, To Die to the World
The Third Precept, Which is Concerning the Three Three Theological Virtues
The Fourth Precept, Containing Three Evangelical Counsels
The Fifth Precept, in Which the Deceitful Error of the Rich of this World is Exposed
The Sixth Precept, in Which Three Moral Virtues are Explained
The Eight Precept, On Fasting
The Ninth Precept, On Almsdeeds
The Tenth Precept, Which is on the Sacrament of Baptism
On Confirmation
On the Holy Eucharist
On the Sacrament of Penance
The Fourteenth Precept, on the Sacrament of Holy Orders
The Fifteenth Precept, on Matrimony
The Sixteenth Precept, on the Sacrament of Extreme Unction

Recommended Reading

Biblical Basis for Purgatory

The Twelve Steps to Holiness and Salvation
The Path to Salvation: A Manual of Spiritual Transformation
The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven
How Can I Get to Heaven?: The Bible's Teaching on Salvation-Made Easy to Understand
Hungry Souls - Supernatural Visits, Messages and Warnings from Purgatory
Visions of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (Visions of Heaven Hell and Purgatory)
Charity for the Suffering Souls: An Explanation of the Catholic Doctrine of Purgatory

Updated Regularly

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