249. What is a Sacrament?
A Sacrament is an outward sign of inward grace, ordained by Jesus Christ, by
which grace is given to our souls.
250. Do the Sacraments always give grace?
The Sacraments always give grace to those who
receive them worthily.
251. Whence have the Sacraments the power of giving grace?
The Sacraments have the power of giving grace from
the merits of Christ's Precious Blood which they apply to our souls.
252. Ought we to have a great desire to receive the Sacraments?
We ought to have a great desire to receive the
Sacraments, because they are the chief means of our salvation.
253. Is a character given to the soul by any of the Sacraments?
A character is given to the soul by the Sacraments
of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Order.
254. What is a character?
A character is a mark or seal on the soul which
cannot he effaced, and therefore the Sacrament conferring it may not he
255. How many Sacraments are there?
There are seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation,
Holy Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Order, and Matrimony.
256. What is Baptism?
Baptism is a Sacrament which cleanses us from
original sin, makes us Christians, children of God, and members of the Church.
257. Does Baptism also forgive actual sins?
Baptism also forgives actual sins, with all
punishment due to them. when it is received in proper dispositions by those who
have been guilty of actual sin.
258. Who is the ordinary minister of Baptism?
The ordinary minister of Baptism is a priest; but
any one may baptise in case of necessity, when a priest cannot be had.
259. How is Baptism given?
Baptism is given by pouring water on the head of
the child, saying at the same time these words: 'I baptise you in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit'.
260. What do we promise in Baptism?
We promise in Baptism to renounce the devil and all
his works and pomps.
261. Is Baptism necessary for salvation?
Baptism is necessary for salvation because Christ
has said: 'Unless a man is born again through water and the Spirit, he cannot
enter the kingdom of God'. (John 3:5)
262. What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a Sacrament by which we receive the
Holy Spirit, in order to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of
Jesus Christ.
263. Who is the ordinary minister of Confirmation?
The ordinary minister of Confirmation is a Bishop.
264. How does the Bishop administer the Sacrament of Confirmation?
The Bishop administers the Sacrament of
Confirmation by praying that the Holy Spirit may come down upon those who are
to be confirmed; and by laying his hand on them, and making the sign of the
cross with chrism on their foreheads, at the same time pronouncing certain
265. What are the words used in Confirmation?
The words used in Confirmation are these: 'N... be
sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit'.
The Holy Eucharist
266. What is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist?
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, together with his Soul and Divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine.
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, together with his Soul and Divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine.
267. How are the bread and wine changed into the Body and Blood of
The bread and wine are changed into the Body and
Blood of Christ by the power of God, to whom nothing is impossible or
268. When are the bread and wine changed into the Body and Blood of
The bread and wine are changed into the Body and
Blood of Christ when the words of consecration, ordained by Jesus Christ, are
pronounced by the priest in Holy Mass.
269. Why has Christ given himself to us in the Holy Eucharist?
Christ has given himself to be the life and the
food of our souls. 'Whoever eats me will draw life from me': 'Anyone who eats
this bread will live for ever'. (John 6..58.59)
270. Is Christ received whole and entire under either kind alone?
Christ is received whole and entire under either
kind alone.
271. In order to receive the Blessed Sacrament worthily what is required?
In order to receive the Blessed Sacrament worthily
it is required that we be in a state of grace and keep the prescribed fast:
water does not break this fast.
272. What is it to be in a state of grace?
To be in a state of grace is to be free from mortal
sin, and pleasing to God.
273. Is it a great sin to receive Holy Communion in mortal sin?
It is a great sin to receive Holy Communion in
mortal sin: 'because a person who eats and drinks without recognising the Body,
is eating and drinking his own condemnation.' (1 Cot.. 11:29)
274. Is the Blessed Eucharist a Sacrament only?
The Blessed Eucharist is not a Sacrament only; it
is also a sacrifice.
275. What is a sacrifice?
A sacrifice is, the offering of a victim by a
priest to God alone, in testimony of his being the Sovereign Lord of all
276. What is the Sacrifice of the New Law?
The Sacrifice of the New Law is the Holy Mass.
277. What is the Holy Mass?
The Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of the Body and
Blood of Jesus Christ, really present on the altar under the appearances of
bread and wine, and offered to God for the living and the dead.
278. Is the Holy Mass one and the same Sacrifice with that of the Cross?
The Holy Mass is one and the same Sacrifice with
that of the Cross, inasmuch as Christ, who offered himself, a bleeding victim,
on the Cross to his heavenly Father, continues to offer himself in an unbloody
manner on the altar, through the ministry of his priests.
279. For what ends is the Sacrifice of the Mass offered?
The Sacrifice of the Mass is offered for four ends:
first, to give supreme honour and glory to God: secondly, to thank him for all
our benefits; thirdly, to satisfy God for our sins and to obtain the grace of
repentance; and fourthly, to obtain all other graces and blessings through
Jesus Christ.
280. Is the Mass also a memorial of the Passion and Death of our Lord?
The Mass is also a memorial of the Passion and
Death of our Lord, for Christ at his last supper said: 'Do this for a
commemoration of me'. (Luke 22:19)
281. What is the Sacrament of Penance?
Penance is a Sacrament whereby the sins, whether
mortal or venial, which we have committed after Baptisin are forgiven.
282. Does the Sacrament of Penance increase the grace of God in the soul?
The Sacrament of Penance increases the grace of God
in the soul, besides forgiving sin; we should, therefore, often go to confession.
283. When did our Lord institute the Sacrament of Penance?
Our Lord instituted the Sacrament of Penance when
he breathed on his Apostles and gave them power to forgive sins, saying: 'Whose
sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven'. (John 20:23)
284. How does the priest forgive sins?
The priest forgives sins by the power of God, when
he pronounces the words of absolution.
285. What are the words of absolution?
The words of absolution are: 'I absolve you from
your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit'.
286. Are any conditions for forgiveness required on the part of the
Three conditions for forgiveness are required on the
part of the penitent - Contrition,
Confession, and Satisfaction
287. What is Contrition?
Contrition is a heartfelt sorrow for our sins,
because by them we have offended so good a God, together with a firm purpose of
288. What is a firm purpose of amendment?
A firm purpose of amendment is a resolution to
avoid, by the grace of God, not only sin, but also the dangerous occasions of
289. How may we obtain a hearty sorrow for our sins?
We may obtain a hearty sorrow for our sins by
earnestly praying for it, and by making use of such considerations as may lead
us to it.
290. What consideration concerning God will lead us to sorrow for our
This consideration concerning God will lead us to
sorrow for our sins; that by our sins we have offended God, who is infinitely
good in himself and infinitely good to us.
291. What consideration concerning our Saviour will lead us to sorrow for
our sins?
This consideration concerning our Saviour will lead
us to sorrow for our sins; that our Saviour died for our sins, and that those
who sin grievously 'have wilfully crucified the Son of God and openly mocked
him.' (Heb. 6:6)
292. Is sorrow for our sins, because by them we have lost heaven and
deserved hell, sufficient when we go to confession?
Sorrow for our sins, because by them we have lost
heaven and deserve hell, is sufficient when we go to confession.
293. What is perfect contrition?
Perfect contrition is sorrow for sin arising purely
from the love of God.
294. What special value has perfect contrition?
Perfect contrition has this special value; that by
it our sins are forgiven immediately, even before we confess them; but
nevertheless, if they are serious, we are strictly bound to confess them
295. What is confession?
Confession is to accuse ourselves of our sins to a
priest approved by the Bishop.
296. What if a person wilfully conceals a serious sin in confession?
If a person wilfully conceals a serious sin in
confession he is guilty of a great sacrilege, by telling a lie to the Holy
Spirit in making a bad confession.
297. How many things have we to do in order to prepare for confession?
We have four things to do in order to prepare for
confession: first, we must heartily pray for grace to make a good confession:
secondly, we must carefully examine our conscience: thirdly, we must take time
and care to make a good act of contrition: and fourthly, we must resolve by the
help of God to renounce our sins, and to begin a new life for the future.
298. What is satisfaction?
Satisfaction is doing the penance given us by the
299. Does the penance given by the priest always make full satisfaction
for our sins?
The penance given by the priest does not always
make full satisfaction for our sins. We should therefore add to it other good
works and penances, and try to gain Indulgences.
300. What is an Indulgence?
An Indulgence is a remission, granted by the
Church. of the temporal punishment which often remains due to sin after its
guilt has been forgiven.
Anointing of the Sick
301. What is the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
This Sacrament is the anointing of the sick with
holy oil, accompanied with prayer.
302. When is the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick given?
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is given
when we are in danger of death by sickness.
303. What are the effects of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
The effects of the Sacrament of the Anointing of
the Sick are to comfort and strengthen the soul, to remit sin, and even to
restore health, when God sees it to be expedient.
304. What authority is there in Scripture for the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick?
The authority in Scripture for the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick is in the 5th chapter of St James (James 5:14, 15) where
it is said: 'If one of you is ill he should send for the elders of the Church,
and they must anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over him.
The prayer of faith shall save the sick man; and the Lord will raise him up
again; and if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.'
Holy Order
305. What is the Sacrament of Holy Order?
Holy Order is the Sacrament by which bishops,
priests, and other ministers of the Church are ordained, and receive power and
grace to perform their sacred duties.
306. What is the Sacrament of Matrimony ?
Matrimony is the Sacrament which sanctifies the
contract of a Christian marriage, and gives a special grace to those who
receive it worthily.
307. What special grace does the Sacrament of Matrimony give to those who
receive it worthily?
The Sacrament of Matrimony gives to those who
receive it worthily a special grace, to enable them to bear the difficulties of
their state, to love and be faithful to one another, and to bring up their
children in the fear of God.
308. Is it a sacrilege to contract marriage in serious sin, or in
disobedience to the law of the Church?
It is sacrilege to contract marriage in serious
sin, or in disobedience to the laws of the Church, and, instead of a blessing,
the guilty parties draw upon themselves the anger of God. (For the marriage of
a Catholic to be valid there must be present (1) either the Bishop or the
Parish Priest, or another Priest duly delegated, and (2) two witnesses).
309. What is a 'mixed marriage'?
A 'mixed marriage' is a marriage in which only one
partner is a Catholic.
310. Does the Church encourage mixed marriages?
The Church does not encourage mixed marriages.
311. Does the Church sometimes permit mixed marriages?
The Church sometimes permits mixed marriages by
granting a dispensation, and under special conditions.
311a. What does the Catholic partner of a mixed marriage promise?
The Catholic partner of a mixed marriage promises
to do everything possible to preserve the faith and have all children of the
marriage baptised and brought up in the Catholic Church.
312. Can any human power dissolve the bond of marriage?
Image Credit Waiting for the Word
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