
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


A New Creation in Christ (by St. Augustine)
Follow the Master Only  (by St. John Vianney)
The Baptism of Christ (by St Gregory Nazianzen) 
Christ has Reconciled the World to God (by St. Ambrose)
The Precious Life Giving Cross (by St.Theodore the Studite)
The wonder of the Incarnation (by St Gregory Nazianzen) 
The Mystery of the Lord's Baptism (by St Maximus of Turin)
Come unto Me, all You that Labour (by Saint Augustine)
Come unto Me, all You that Labour II (by Saint Augustine)
He Will Help Us (by St. John Vianney)
The Mystery of the Incarnation demands our Joy (by Saint Leo the Great)
You have Jesus Christ within You (by Saint Ignatius of Antioch)
The Word of the Father (by St. Athanasius Archbishop Alexandria)  
All My Hope Lies in Your Great Mercy (by Saint Augustine)
The Lord has made his Salvation Known (by Pope St Leo the Great)  
By Vision of the Word our Needs will be Fullfilled (by St. Augustine) 
A Mystery Ever Anew (by St Maximus the Confessor)
Christ is present to his Church (by the sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council) 
Jesus the Only Begotten Son (by John Henry Newman)
On the Love of Christ (by Saint Alphonsus Liguori, bishop)
Come to the Lord and Receive Enlightenment (by St Gregory of Agrigentum)
With You is the Source of Life (by St. Bonaventure)
Whoever I May be, Lord, I Lie Exposed to Your Scrutiny (Saint Augustine)
Christ, King and Priest Forever (by St Faustinus)
This is the new creature whom the Master seeks (by Pope St. Gregory the Great)
Before the Time of Judgment (message given to St. Faustina)
My Song for Today  (by Saint Therese of Lisieux)
The Value of Spiritual Communion 
If Christ Dwells in Man (by St. Teresa of Avila)
The Lord Has Had Pity on Us (by Saint Augustine)
Greater Love than this No Man Has (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus Christ the Mediator (by Saint Augustine)
If I Wanted to Please Men, I Would not be a Servant of Christ (by Saint Augustine)
We Proclaim Christ to the Whole World (by Pope Paul VI)
Divine Mercy Excerpts - Words of Our Lord
The Two-Fold Nature of Christ (by Saint Leo the Great)
He Hath Poured Out His Soul Unto Death (by St. Bernard of Clairvaux)
The Remnant of Israel (by Saint Thomas Aquinas)
The Lord Raises up the Weak and gives Him Grace (by Saint Leo the Great)
Put Christ before Everything (by Saint Benedict)
I am the Vine, You are the Branches (by Saint Cyril of Alexandria)
The true Solomon is our Lord Jesus Christ (by Saint Augustine)
Christmas Morning is the Time for Thoughts on the Nativity (by Saint Leo the Great)
The Lord Sees Our Thoughts and the Intentions of Our Hearts (by St. Baldwin of Canterbury)
Jesus Prays for Us and in Us and is the Object of Our Prayers (by Saint Augustine)
The Mystery of the Incarnation (by Saint Leo the Great)
On the Holy Theophany, or on Christ's Baptism (by Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus)
I am not Worthy that You should come under my Roof (by Saint Augustine)
For the Love of Christ I Do Not Spare Myself in Preaching Him (by Saint Gregory the Great)
The Truths of the Incarnation never Suffer from being Repeated (by Saint Leo the Great)
Let Us Always Be Mindful of Christ's Love (by Saint Teresa of Avila)
My Name Is Great Among The Nations (by Saint Cyril of Alexandria)

The Passion of Jesus

The Lord, to St. Elizabeth of Toss 
On the Transfiguration (by Saint Leo the Great)
The Triumph of the Cross (by Saint Leo the Great)
The Mystery of our Reconciliation with God (by Pope St. Leo the Great) 
Christ's Arrest Fulfills His Own Eternal Purpose (by Saint Leo the Great)
The Cross is My Sure Salvation (by St. Thomas Aquinas)
A Poem on the Passion of the Lord (attributed to Lactantius)
When We were yet Sinners, Christ came to Save (by Saint Leo the Great)
The New Law of Our Lord (taken from the Epistle of Barnabus)
Return to Me (by Saint Jerome, Priest)
On the Love of Christ (by St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
It is Good for Us to Be Here (by Anastasius of Sinai, bishop)
The One Mediator of God and Men is the Man Christ Jesus (by St. Ambrose)
I Will Heal Their Wounds (by Theodoret of Cyr, bishop)

Revelation: the Sacred Heart Devotion (to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
HIS HOUR (Regarding a Holy Hour of Reparation)
The Sacred Heart of Christ (by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Words of the Lord, to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 

Catechism on the Real Presence (by St. John Vianney)
Catechism on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (by St. John Vianney)
On Communion (by St. John Vianney)
The Eucharist Pledge of our Resurrection (by St. Irenaeus)
On the Effects of Holy Communion (by Fr. Michael Muller, C.S.S.R.)
The Paschal Sacrament (by St.Athanasius Archbishop of Alexandria) 
O Precious and Wonderful Banquet! (by St. Thomas Aquinas)
We are made Holy by our Sharing in Christ's Body and Blood (by Fulgentius of Ruspe)
The Reason of Christ Suffering at the Paschal Feast (by Saint Leo the Great)
The Sacrament is Effected by the Words of Christ (by Saint Ambrose of Milan)

The Second Coming

The Twofold Coming of Christ (by St Cyril of Jerusalem)
Sermon on the Last Judgement - Sheep and Goats (by St. Vincent Ferrer O.P.)

Recommended Reading

Recommended CD

Jesus and the End Times

Updated Regularly

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